
Bellabor / News: Recent posts

Sol 2002 released

Sol 2002 is released. With this program people in Belgium can calculate the "solidariteitsbijdrage" one has to pay on his or her pension. Sources (IBasic) as well as a Win32 executable are available for downloading.

Posted by Dimitri Verstraeten 2002-09-30

Beta release Schaal Claeys

A beta release of Schaal Claeys has been made public. This version is no longer console based but has its own GUI. It's also possible to save results as a HTML-file. Wrong input is now easier detected. Finally Schaal Claeys now comes with its own setup program.

Posted by Dimitri Verstraeten 2002-09-17

Update Schaal Claeys 0.1c

Schaal Claeys 0.1c, part of the upcoming Bellabor suite, is updated. It's no longer needed to input any index. A "database" that contains the index (from 1994 onwards) takes over that function. At the same time a small app is released which makes it possible to put new values in the database.

Posted by Dimitri Verstraeten 2002-09-12

Alpha release Schaal Claeys 0.1c

An updated version of the alpha version of Schaal Claeys (part of the Bellabor suite) is released. It contains the IBasic source code and an executable file for Win32 systems.
The new release now performs a couple of checks on the data that is entered by the user.

Posted by Dimitri Verstraeten 2002-09-09

First Alpha release

A first alpha release of the "Schaal Claeys" module from the Bellabor package is released. It's still very primitive : input and output without exception handling.

Posted by Dimitri Verstraeten 2002-09-02