
Beep / News: Recent posts

Beep Verions 1.0

Hi everyone!

Beep Version 1.0 is now released... new features added: roaming support for WiFi plus discovered defects are resolved... try it and send us ur valuable feedback :D

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-05-12

BeepTalk 2.0 released

The "p" was missing in the previous news... sorry for the typo...

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-04-25

BeeTalk 2.0 released

A sample application based on the beta release of Beep, check it out :)

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-04-25

Beep Beta Release

Now Beep is proud to present its beta release, 2 new features added to the framework
1) WiFi Connectivity: being able to connect the mobile device to any of the nearby access points.
2) Bluetooth Connectivity: being able to connect the mobile device to the smart access point having BeepBluetoothServer running on it

Enjoy it ! :D

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-04-25

BeepTalk 1.0 released

BeepTalk is a sample application that is used to test beep framework. It is used to connect to gmail server.

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-02-03

BeeP Framework Alpha release is on Air now :D

Helloo every1,

The alpha version of BeeP telecommunication framework is now released. u can use it to develop chatting applications that use Jabber/XMPP protocol. Now only ssl connections are supported..

Have Fun :D

Posted by Karim Hamdan 2007-02-03