
Is this project still being maintained?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-12-26

    I hope I don't get interpreted wrong but the last release was back in 2002.

    • John Joseph Bowers

      We keep our eyes on the project, but we obviously haven't been actively developing on it for quite some time.  We still would like to do some more work on this project in the future, but other things have side tracked us.  What is your interest in the project?  I think that a certain level of interest in the project would help us become motivated to make some more improvements.  What do you think about what we have right now?

      • Randolph D Garrett

        My own interest is for free partition managers, I don't think this one will have any problems with the latest since NTFS hasn't changed for years AFAIK.  And I think MS Vista still used the 'old' NTFS.  I wish I had more expertise in S/W development (and a good computer) and drive formats / partitions / OS basics so I could pick up on this and other online projects.

    • lucmars

      lucmars - 2005-03-31

      A lot of free softwares from linux have been writed for Win. There are some projects which offer them as a collection or archived under an installer on a CD or to download.
      A lot of people try linux on desktop with a dual-boot, but it would be nice to have a partition utility which could help the user to do the step easily.

      Even for the linux distribution, that could be helpful.


    • Randolph D Garrett

      I just looked up the Wiki on NTFS and there are exceptions to the NTFS 3.1 still being current and essentially unmodified even for Vista and Windows 7.  There is an optional format for a newer version of NTFS so this package won't do it (Transactional NTFS) but should do all others just find even in today's messed up (oops, sorry Microsoft) Windows.

      I haven't tried it yet (Windows XP Home Edition SP3) so if it goes bad, I'll be back I hope to follow up.  I'm about 90% certain and hate how Partition Magic installs some sort of crapola when partitioning, etc.  Can't remember.


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