
#907 Chat Search Feature


The chat search feature when i right click the chat box and click the "find text in chat", returns only the first instance of the search keyword. There is no option to search next or search all.


  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2022-03-30

    Hello. You need to enable shortcuts in the Settings - Interface menu (close and re-open chat windows if it not works). Then you can use CTRL+G to search next instance in text....

    I will improve this feature in the next version with CTRL+F to find, CTRL+G to find next and CTRL+SHIFT+G to find previous.


    Last edit: Marco Mastroddi 2022-03-30
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-03-30

    Where is the option to enable/disable shortcuts. All the shortcuts are already enabled. Only option is given to add custom shortcuts. I tried all shortcuts but none of them are working.

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2022-03-30

    Settings - Interface - Shortcuts...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2022-03-30

    yes, there a list of shortcuts are given, but there is no option to enable or disable them. I tried all those shortcuts but none of them is working except Ctrl+A, I also tried custom shortcut for Find next text in chat, but that too did not work.

  • Marco Mastroddi

    Marco Mastroddi - 2022-03-31

    Yes, for find text there is a little bug, it is activable only by right click, but CTRL+G works to search next string.
    If you want to disable all shortcuts you need to enable custom shortcuts and then one by one edit shortcuts and clean the key combination deleting it.



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