
Video problems in version 0.8 of Beamer

  • Sebastiaan

    Sebastiaan - 2006-01-10

    Nice project! I did not find problems in normal use but I get an error when I try to do anything with video, <Ctrl> <s> or <Ctrl> <v>.

    The error is as follows:
    Run-time error '453':
    Can't find DLL entry point SetLayeredWindowAttributes in user32

    I was also trying to have a moving .gif as a background picture, but that does not work :-).

    Very nice program! keep it going and develop it even more! Great to see people care about quality and user friendlyness!

    • Jens-Christian Korth

      Which operating system do you use?

      Video overlay requires Win 2000, XP or higher.

      (SetLayeredWindowAttributes is only included there)


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