
bccSDK / News: Recent posts

Minor update release

Added support for MSXML 6 and font embedding. Since it is incremental update you must already have installed full version of bccsdk.

Posted by Darko Miletic 2008-08-23

New Release

pre-alpha release (20.06.2008)
- changes
Added strmiids.lib

Posted by Darko Miletic 2008-06-20

New Release

This is just minor fix/update release.
- changes
Added missing GUIDS in sapi.lib
Minor fixes in few GDIplus headers

Posted by Darko Miletic 2007-12-09

New release 0.0.7

pre-alpha release 0.0.7 (24.12.2006)
- changes
Added Windows Messenger SDK
Added Windows Media Player 10 SDK
Added 2 samples one for media player sdk and another for Messenger sdk
Added missing idl files
Added new lib file AD1.lib

Posted by Darko Miletic 2006-12-24

New release 0.0.6

pre-alpha release 0.0.6 (16.10.2006)
- changes
Fixed compilation issue with cpp32 in BDS 2006. No longer is needed instalation of free compiler.
Added missing file msstkppg.h
Added ATL 3.0 from MS Platform SDK
Added WTL 8.0.6137

Posted by Darko Miletic 2006-10-16

New release 0.0.5

New release with bunch of new stuff!

Added Microsoft Reader SDK 1.5 headers and lib file (litgen.h/litgen.lib)
Added strsafe.lib with String Safe functions (strsafe.h)
Added winhttp.lib
Added passport.lib (.NET passport interfaces - passport.h)
Fixed wmscatid.h and wmsdefs.h for use with borland compiler
Fixed irprops.lib file

Posted by Darko Miletic 2006-05-05

New release 0.0.4

Updated build system to make compilation on different compilers easier.
Fixed error in ConvertStringToBSTR reported by Vladimir Ulchenko.
Added missing GUIDS to ADSIiid.lib
Added new library WiaGuid.lib for Windows Image Acquisition

This release has updates for all Borland compilers

Posted by Darko Miletic 2006-04-05

Minor update release for BDS 2006

pre-alpha release 0.0.36 (05.01.2006)
- changes
This is just binary update for BDS 2006. Some of the libraries use RTL (comsupp.lib)
so recompilation is needed. Users of BDS 2006 download release 0.0.3 and 0.0.35
and unpack both in same folder. After that unpack contents of this archive to have
updated lib files.

Posted by Darko Miletic 2006-01-05

Minor update release

This is just small update so this release will just contain diff content. To install just unpak over previous release.

pre-alpha release 0.0.35 (27.12.2005)
- changes
Added MS Speech SDK 5.1 to bccSDK (headers, precompiled sapi.lib, idl files)

Posted by Darko Miletic 2005-12-27

New release 0.0.3

pre-alpha release 0.0.3 (23.12.2005)
- changes
First inclusion of most of import lib files
Fixed GdiPlus Headers - now automatic linking works
Added most of def files(161) used to create import lib files

Posted by Darko Miletic 2005-12-23

New release 0.0.2


pre-alpha release 0.0.2 (08.12.2005)
- changes
Added all headers from platform SDK so header status is now 100%
Fixed uxtheme.h
Fixed ExDisp.h
Fixed WinNT.h
Fixed ComDef.h
Fixed GdiPlus Headers
Fixed ShObjidl.h
- Add all missing def files for import libs
- Add definitions for missing guid static libs

Main benefit for every user of older Borland compiler will be abillity to use latest MS Platform SDK in it's full glory without having to manually modify headers.
Here is a short list of some of the libraries already present in this pre-alpha stage:... read more

Posted by Darko Miletic 2005-12-08

Initial release 0.0.1

Here is the first release of pre-alpha stage of this project. Download just for testing and experimental purporses.

Posted by Darko Miletic 2005-11-30