
BBViewer / News: Recent posts

Version 1.5 Release

The next major release of BBViewer has not been posted. This is the release that no one was waiting for. BBViewer is an open-source web portal to allow quick posting of pictures and videos.

The page was created for my daughter and continues to be updated today.

Posted by Richard Brynteson 2002-12-09

First Release

The first "full" working release of BBViewer is now available. BBViewer is the latest software that allows parents/family to quickly create a website for their child(ren).

For a sample page - head over to

Posted by Richard Brynteson 2002-07-03

New Project

BBViewer is a new project that allows for easy management of a webpage designed to allow new parents to put up pics in a short time. A live preview can be found at:

Posted by Richard Brynteson 2002-06-22