
Can't get batemail to bate

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Please help, I must have done something right, because I am still receiving all mail and all references to postfix in have been replaced by batemail, but none of the attachments in $TABOO are being blocked, any idea where I could have gone wrong.

    I am using batemail 0.8.7 and sendmail 8.11.6-2.7.0


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Check for the /var/log/batemail log file. If it doesn't exist, then batemail probably isn't running. With default verbosity, I believe it will display message processing (I run with verbosity at 4). If procmail isn't logging, then it isn't being called by sendmail. In such a case, recheck your sendmail config file. If sendmail is calling mail.local instead of procmail, then changing the procmail mailer won't work.

      I personally use the following in my .m4 file.
      define(`LOCAL_MAILER_PATH', `/usr/local/bin/batemail')dnl
      define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS', `batemail -d $u')dnl



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