Basku is a development environment for Haiku based on Michael Haardt's BAS, a BASIC interpreter. The BASIC itself is pretty barebones, and what basku brings to the party is a set of prewritten routines that allow it to access external commands and interact with the Haiku environment. External commands supported include alert, filepanel, figlet, hdialog, yabdialog, shanty, tput. umenu and smenu. In the pipeline is support for yoshi, and hey.
You are not going to write an award-winning word processor in basku. You probably could write a text editor with it, if it ran inside Terminal, but yab would probably still be better for that. Basku occupies a place in-between scripting and fully-fledged application programming. It is for the creation of installers, configuration utilities, front-ends and those little "glue" applications that you really need, but that are unlikely to be meaningful to anyone else.
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