
#2 Bad-F line instruction with 7.5.3

Windows (11)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; Computer Associates International v1.218)

    This is happening to me on Windows 98 and also on
    Windows NT 4.0 Server.
    I am following the instructions to setup the system. I
    have got the MacOS 7.0 disk and also the ROM disk,
    which I have taken from a LC Mac. In General, I am
    using MAc type 7. The ROM was copied with hfvexplorer
    using "raw data, data fork" and the Mac 7.5.3 folders
    were placed inside the Mac disk, formatted with
    hfvexplorer using the "automatic, let the program
    decide" option.
    Basilisk II is able to boot correctly: it shows the
    initial Mac Screen and it is able to load the System
    7.0 disk.
    Afterwards, I try to open the first file from the 19
    segments the MAc Os 7.5.3 is made of. This is a self
    extracting file (downloaded the bin version) that
    opens itself and prompts to agree to the license, and
    so on. This is done correctly.
    However, once these preliminary questions have been
    answered, it tries to start assembling the 19
    segments. Then, it doesn't go further: the system
    shows a bomb window and the following message pops
    up: "Sorry, a system error has occurred "MAc 7.5.3 01
    of 19" bad F-line instruction", and it makes you
    restart the emulation.
    As I said, this happens on NT and also W98. It also
    happens with the 7.5.5 sea archive and with the
    network disk, when I try to open them. I downloaded
    segment 1 of the 7.5.3 OS again to make sure it is not
    corrupted, but the problem persists.
    Before installing, I switched off all antivirus,
    unnecessary services, ms office, etc.
    The boxes are 128 and 256 Mbyte RAM respectively, with
    plenty of disk space. Those are Pentium processors at
    500 and 700 Mhz.

    HAs this error been reported before ? Is there any way
    of circumventing it ? Is there any known problem with
    this ?
    Thank you in advance

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Win98; U)

    I experienced exactly the same problem under NT 4.0 SP 6b on a Pentium II. So it should be a more general
    problem. I would be interested in a work-around, too.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: YES
    Browser: Mozilla/4.76 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i686)

    Does turning off the FPU emulation help?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; Computer Associates International v1.218)

    I read your update. The question is: how do you turn off
    the FPU emulation ?
    Thank you

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/4.7 [ca] (Win98; I)

    Please disregard my previous entry: deselecting FPU Emulation solved my problem. I found it in the
    general tab of the BasiliskII GUI. There is just two more things I'd like to ask: the first is that, when
    deselecting FPU emulation it says you can try SoftwareFPU instead. How can this be done ? The second is
    that, whenever I go out of Basilisk II (doing shutdown) I get a blue screen saying that the program caused
    an exception and that unsaved info will be lost. If accepting, it then kicks out of Basilisk and continues
    Windows operations. I don't know if this is related to the FPU business or not. If you think it is not, I may
    open another call if I see that this is causing me any problems.
    Again thank you for your help.

  • Christian Bauer

    Christian Bauer - 2000-11-23
    • assigned_to: nobody --> lpesonen
    • status: open --> closed

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