
BasEdit.Net / Blog: Recent posts

How to share a release

Ok, I've made added some preliminary support for mouse selections. Now I need to learn how to share this release.

  • Update the version number inside "AssemblyInfo.vb"
  • Commit your finalised changes into mercurial and add a version-number tag too

    (don't worry if you forget, you can add the tag in later too)
  • In VB.Net Express, re-build with 'release' configuration

    This was a little tricky to do in VB.Net express, which defaults to 'debug' configuration builds. This web-site explains how to configure it for 'release' builds, but basically:
    • Go to "Tools >> Settings >> Expert Settings"
    • Go to "Build >> Configuration Manager.."
    • In the "Active solution configuration" combo-box, select "Release"
    • Re-build the app
    • You'll then get a fresh BasEdit.exe in the "bin\Release" folder
    • Copy this into the previous zip package contents
    • Re-zip it up again with some version info in the filename, eg ""
    • upload this zip to the sourceforge site, via the "Downloads" menu-item (or sometimes called "Files")
    • After uploading, click on the "i" icon to the right of the file,
    • In the "Default download for:" section, click the "Select All" link

      (this will make the main page offer this newer version as the default download. It does take a minute or so for the sourceforge system to register this, so be patient)... read more
Posted by Gurce 2012-07-22

And now, back to the code!

Gee, learning this Sourceforge can zap a lot of energy in itself. I don't want to get too distracted by it though, just learn the bare minimum for now, and return focus on how to use the repo to push in new changes.

So time for me to move my focus back onto the code itself. Will aim to learn what it takes to get mouse-selection of text working as a starting effort and will commit/push my changes once I get it working ;)... read more

Posted by Gurce 2012-07-21

Monitoring changes

I'm imagining that Sourceforge has facilities to auto-email you if someone makes code updates, discussion posts or generates a change request tickets.

These page offer some options, I will look into...



Wait a sec, the info there wasn't too helpful, I'm suspecting some of these facilities are out of date? Or perhaps only work for older sourceforge projects?... read more

Posted by Gurce 2012-07-21

User permissions

Ok, inside sourceforge menu-systems, I'm looking at "Admin >> User Permissions". Since I don't know any better, I'm permitting the 'Anonymous' group to have create & update permissions, hopefully that means anyone can make changes. Hopefully that's a good thing :)

I'd better add Björg as an administrator for this project too, will chase it up with him.

Posted by Gurce 2012-07-21

Preparing the repository

Well, it's a 1st attempt at a sourceforge project for me, very early in the learning curve, but here's some of my initial thought-process.

I decided to use Mercurial for version-control, as it's a distributed vcs, each coder can do their own local commits and not affect others. When they're ready to share their results, they can push it in. It's also a bit more windows-friendly (eg, TortoiseHg client). I thought about Git vcs initially, but it still seems more linux-oriented, although I know it works in Windows too by installing cygwin/bash. But I'm worried that'll seem like extra headaches for windows developers, so Mercurial it is.... read more

Posted by Gurce 2012-07-21