
Monte Carlo Baseball Simulation / News: Recent posts

Baseballsim 0.3.4 Released

It's been 5-6 months since the last release, but after a lot of work in the last couple weeks, version 0.3.4 has been released. This is mainly a bugfix release, although a bug has already been discovered, so PLEASE report any bugs you find (or patches =P).

Also, we've reached 1,000 downloads from the website. A big thanks to everyone who has helped out.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-12-23

500 Downloads/Update

Well I'm happy to announce that as of today the project has received over 500 downloads from sourceforge! Not bad if I do say so myself. Anyway, <shameless plug> We need someone who can do some work with databases to load data from the baseball stats arhcive, so check out the description at:

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-07-18

Baseballsim 0.3.3 Released

Version 0.3.3 of the Monte Carlo Baseball Simulation has been released tonight, June 5th, 2001. The changes are mainly bug-fixes and other small improvements. This is probably the last version before 1.0...

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-07-06

GCC/Linux Update

I tried compiling the baseballsim under gcc/linux last night, but had a few problems. Those problems have been fixed and the changes are in CVS. Go to for directions on getting the source from CVS. I got it running under linux, so there shouldn't be any problems (mail me if you have any).

Note: I added baseballsim0.3.2a.tar.gz to the file releases, which includes the fixes if you don't have cvs.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-06-21

Baseballsim 0.3.2 Released

Version 0.3.2 of the Monte Carlo Baseball Simulation has been released, featuring more save slots, accurate field positions, and bug fixes.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-06-19

Baseballsim 0.3.1 Released

Version 0.3.1 of the Monte Carlo Baseball Simulation has been released. This release includes many new features and bug fixes from the 0.3.0 release. Read the changelog for details.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-06-08

Baseballsim 0.3.0 Released

This is a major update. Read the changelog for details.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-05-27

Baseballsim 0.2.3 Released

Only minor changes here:
-Added slugging percentage to stats, so you can sort by that or ops.
-Made a .tar.gz verison, so it's easier for linux users to install.
-Updated the stats package to 2.0 (adds slugging percentage mentioned above).

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-05-10

Baseballsim 0.22 Released

I just released version 0.22 of the baseballsim, which includes sortable players (for lineups), some small bug fixes, and coding revisions. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-05-03

Baseballsim 0.21 Released

Version 0.21 has been released. The only major change is that execution should be about 2.5x faster (Using a long test on my machine 0.2pre1 took 6 minutes and 44 seconds while 0.21 took 2 minutes and 45 seconds. This should be useful if any of you out there run long simulations.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-04-25

New Mailing List and Website

Just in case we actually get any users (snicker), I set up a new mailing list, baseballsim-main, which you can use for anything non-developer related. Join that by going to I also whipped up a quick webpage with an overview of the program and a sample experiment I wrote awhile back. The sample experiment doesn't have tables and graphs like a complete one would (I'll add those later), but it should give people an idea about how to run their own experiments. Check out the webpage at:

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-04-22

Baseballsim 0.2pre1 Released

New features include releastic errors and double plays, as well as 3 new teams. Note that this is a development release, so it may not function correctly.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-04-19

Baseballsim Beta 2 Released!

Beta 2 of the baseballsim is now out. Some new features include editable stats and support for 2 new teams. Tell me what you think!

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-04-12

CVS and Release Files Update

I imported all the source into CVS and made file releases for the windows compiled version, as well as the source. Now that almost everything is set up, I'm looking for help. So if you could lend a hand, e-mail me at Thanks!

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-03-30

Starting Off

I just set up the Monte Carlo Baseball Simulation project here, and am getting used to everything before I start developing and accepting others. This project is basically to model, as accurately as possible, professional baseball and to test different strategies such as batting order to see the effects on the runs per game and wins per season for a team. Right now, the project only has the 2000 Anaheim Angels and is compiled as a Win32 Console Program, although there is no reason it shouldn't compile under any other OS. I'll be setting everything up (including CVS) as soon as possible.

Posted by Greg Chanan 2001-03-29