
bbos -y not closing when finished

Don Hessey
  • Don Hessey

    Don Hessey - 2015-08-24

    Is anyone else seeing this? When I run -y, it stops at the last game and never closes. I've cheecked the db and the game is loaded, but the perl script just hangs at the last game line. I run -r every morning and that one runs and closes out when it's finished like normal. I'm running 6.3.

  • Don Hessey

    Don Hessey - 2015-08-25

    This is what happens. It never shows the complete, just hangs at the last game. This stopped at 11 last night so I hope it's not still trying to load the last game... ;)


    Last edit: Don Hessey 2015-08-25
  • emschorsch

    emschorsch - 2015-10-06

    I'm having the same problem. It's annoying because it makes it impossible to load multiple years in a script. hasn't changed so I'm not sure what's causing the hang. It's not hanging on all years. It hung on 2012 and 2009. I can't remember what other years but maybe there's just something funky going on in those two years.


    Last edit: emschorsch 2015-10-06

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