
#23 barry-sync error


I seem to have the same problem as reported in 1946625:

Sent packet:
00000000: 05 00 0b 00 40 02 46 35 00 0a 00 ....@.F5...

Response packet:
00000000: 05 00 07 00 41 00 02 ....A..

Desktop: unexpected command of 0x41 instead of expected 0x40
Member 1 of type barry-sync had an error while getting changes: Desktop: unexpected command of 0x41 instead of expected 0x40

Calendar has 0 records, Address Book has 197 records. I can safely retrieve them using btool -d "Address Book" - before and after the sync attempt.

Details of my BB:
Description: RIM 8800 Series Colour GPRS Handheld

Model 8820, v, platform


  • Viktor Urban

    Viktor Urban - 2008-09-17

    Ahem, I just discovered what the problem COULD be in - it's some "non-standard" characters.

    I have no idea what's the actual representation of the character, but there was a contact with name "Bořík" in my list, which did NOT show during the dump with btool -d. When I renamed it to "Borik" (stripping the czech accentuated characters to their 7bit variants), it went OK and crashed at some later contact which, no doubt, will contain another strange character :).

    I could probably find others, not right now, though. It boils down to incorrect handling of some (but not all) non-ASCII characters. (Some of the wrong ones did come out as question-marks in the output).

    When such an illegal character is detected, the whole contact is ignored in btool -d listing, but barry-sync instead crashes on it with the above problem.

  • Net Direct Inc.

    Net Direct Inc. - 2009-09-02
    • status: open --> pending
  • Net Direct Inc.

    Net Direct Inc. - 2009-09-02


    Are you able to retest this using the recently released 0.15?

    I apologise for the delay on this. I haven't seen this in any of my test devices.

    - Chris

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sorry, Chris, I don't have much time I could spend on this - but a quick test (downloading and building fresh 0.15) looks actually a bit worse - btool says:
    symbol lookup error: btool: undefined symbol: _ZN5Barry5ProbeC1EPKcS2_PKN3Usb12EndpointPairE

    I will try later from my notebook, but no promises as I'm up to neck in work :)

  • Net Direct Inc.

    Net Direct Inc. - 2009-09-11

    That error is likely due to an old version of the library somewhere on your system. Have you installed from source before?

    - Chris

  • Viktor Urban

    Viktor Urban - 2009-09-11

    I don't think so... it's a long time but I think it was libs only. I'll give it a go on the notebook, that's a recently installed Ubuntu to which I haven't connected the BB at all.

  • Viktor Urban

    Viktor Urban - 2009-09-11
    • status: pending --> open
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Bad news - tested with 0.15 (.deb packages) and the problem persists, the whole output is below.
    I was even able to verify that the problem is reproducible even when the czech character is inserted from Blackberry itself (I was suspecting some codepage import issues as the contacts were created on a Nokia a long time ago).

    $ msynctool --sync BB
    Synchronizing group "BB"
    Member 2 of type file-sync just connected
    Member 1 of type barry-sync just connected
    All clients connected or error
    Member 2 of type file-sync just sent all changes
    Sent packet:
    00000000: 05 01 0b 00 40 02 46 2b 00 0b 00 ....@.F+...

    Response packet:
    00000000: 05 00 07 00 41 00 02 ....A..

    Desktop: unexpected command of 0x41 instead of expected 0x40
    Member 1 of type barry-sync had an error while getting changes: Desktop: unexpected command of 0x41 instead of expected 0x40
    Member 2 of type file-sync just disconnected
    Member 1 of type barry-sync just disconnected
    All clients have disconnected
    The sync failed: Unable to read from one of the members
    Error while synchronizing: Unable to read from one of the members


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