
#3 bacrp fails with TSM Timeout

bacrp (1)

Dear All,

I have setup the BACnet stack on my rpi as documented, and this appears to work.

However, when running the bacrp command from my raspberry pi, to get a value from any point, it fails with TSM Timeout!

I have also downloaded the BACnet tools, and when I run the same command from my PC, to the same Raspberry Pi where the BACnet Stack is running, I get a value returned.

The command I am running is:

sudo ./bin/bacrp 1234 2 0 85

Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-09

    Further to my comments...I have managed to run the bacepics and this is the output....

    bin/bacepics -v 1234
    Sent Reject!
    BACnet Reject: Unrecognized Service
    PICS 0
    BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement


    -- Generated by BACnet Protocol Stack library EPICS tool
    -- BACnet/IP Interface for BACnet-stack Devices

    Vendor Name: "your vendor name here"
    Product Name: "your product name here"
    Product Model Number: "your model number here"
    Product Description: "your product description here"

    BIBBs Supported:
    -- possible BIBBs in this device
    -- DS-RPM-B
    -- DS-WP-B
    -- DM-DDB-B
    -- DM-DOB-B
    -- DM-DCC-B
    -- DM-RD-B
    -- DS-COV-A
    -- DS-COV-B
    -- AE-N-A
    -- AE-N-I-B
    -- AE-N-E-B
    -- AE-ACK-B
    -- AE-ACK-A
    -- DM-UTC-B

    BACnet Standard Application Services Supported:
    -- use 'Initiate' or 'Execute' or both for services.
    ReadProperty Execute
    -- ReadPropertyMultiple Initiate Execute
    -- WriteProperty Initiate Execute
    -- DeviceCommunicationControl Initiate Execute
    -- Who-Has Initiate Execute
    -- I-Have Initiate Execute
    -- Who-Is Initiate Execute
    -- I-Am Initiate Execute
    -- ReinitializeDevice Initiate Execute
    -- AcknowledgeAlarm Initiate Execute
    -- ConfirmedCOVNotification Initiate Execute
    -- UnconfirmedCOVNotification Initiate Execute
    -- ConfirmedEventNotification Initiate Execute
    -- UnconfirmedEventNotification Initiate Execute
    -- GetAlarmSummary Initiate Execute
    -- GetEnrollmentSummary Initiate Execute
    -- WritePropertyMultiple Initiate Execute
    -- ReadRange Initiate Execute
    -- GetEventInformation Initiate Execute
    -- SubscribeCOVProperty Initiate Execute

    Standard Object-Types Supported:
    -- possible objects in this device
    -- use 'Createable' or 'Deleteable' or both or none.
    -- Analog Input Createable Deleteable
    -- Analog Output Createable Deleteable
    -- Analog Value Createable Deleteable
    -- Binary Input Createable Deleteable
    -- Binary Output Createable Deleteable
    -- Binary Value Createable Deleteable
    -- Device Createable Deleteable
    -- Multi-state Input Createable Deleteable
    -- Multi-state Output Createable Deleteable
    -- Multi-state Value Createable Deleteable
    -- Structured View Createable Deleteable
    -- Characterstring Value
    -- Datetime Value
    -- Integer Value
    -- Positive Integer Value
    -- Trend Log
    -- Load Control
    -- Bitstring Value
    -- Date Pattern Value
    -- Date Value
    -- Datetime Pattern Value
    -- Large Analog Value
    -- Octetstring Value
    -- Time Pattern Value
    -- Time Value

    Data Link Layer Option:
    -- choose the data link options supported
    -- ISO 8802-3, 10BASE5
    -- ISO 8802-3, 10BASE2
    -- ISO 8802-3, 10BASET
    -- ISO 8802-3, fiber
    -- ARCNET, coax star
    -- ARCNET, coax bus
    -- ARCNET, twisted pair star
    -- ARCNET, twisted pair bus
    -- ARCNET, fiber star
    -- ARCNET, twisted pair, EIA-485, Baud rate(s): 156000
    -- MS/TP master. Baud rate(s): 9600, 38400
    -- MS/TP slave. Baud rate(s): 9600, 38400
    -- Point-To-Point. EIA 232, Baud rate(s): 9600
    -- Point-To-Point. Modem, Baud rate(s): 9600
    -- Point-To-Point. Modem, Baud rate(s): 9600 to 115200
    -- BACnet/IP, 'DIX' Ethernet
    -- BACnet/IP, Other
    -- Other

    Character Sets Supported:
    -- choose any character sets supported
    -- ANSI X3.4
    -- IBM/Microsoft DBCS
    -- JIS C 6226
    -- ISO 8859-1
    -- ISO 10646 (UCS-4)
    -- ISO 10646 (UCS2)

    Special Functionality:
    Maximum APDU size in octets: ?

    List of Objects in Test Device:
    Sent Reject!
    BACnet Reject: Unrecognized Service
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    object-identifier: -- Failed to get object-identifier
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    object-name: -- Failed to get object-name
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    object-type: -- Failed to get object-type
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    system-status: -- Failed to get system-status
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    vendor-name: -- Failed to get vendor-name
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    vendor-identifier: -- Failed to get vendor-identifier
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    model-name: -- Failed to get model-name
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    firmware-revision: -- Failed to get firmware-revision
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    application-software-version: -- Failed to get application-software-vers ion
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    protocol-version: -- Failed to get protocol-version
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    protocol-revision: -- Failed to get protocol-revision
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    protocol-services-supported: -- Failed to get protocol-services-supporte d
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    protocol-object-types-supported: -- Failed to get protocol-object-types- supported
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    object-list: -- Failed to get object-list
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get max-apdu-length-accepted
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get segmentation-supported
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get apdu-timeout
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get number-of-APDU-retries
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get device-address-binding
    RP: Device_Read_Property: Error!
    RP: Sending Error!
    -- BACnet Error: object: unknown-object
    -- Failed to get database-revision
    -- Found 0 Objects
    -- Found 20 Errors
    End of BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement



  • Steve Karg

    Steve Karg - 2014-09-09

    If you are running the bacserv demo application on the same Raspberry Pi as the client (bacrp) application, the TSM errors will occur. See FAQ Q-15 and A-15:
    You would likely try the /bin/ approach.

    There has been some work done in the Obvius branch to make the client tools (i.e. bacrp) work as virtual routers through the server for persistent applications.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-09

    Thanks for the reply Steve!

    I have looked into this, but everytime I run the bvlc script on my Pi, I get the following:

    sudo bash ./bin/ eth0
    Example of parameters for Foreign Device Registration
    ': not a valid identifierport: BACNET_IP_PORT to communicate.l use port 47809 ./bin/ line 6: $'echo\r': command not found ': not a valid identifierport:BACNET_BBMD_PORT
    andBBMD is located at the port 47808
    is at the dotted IP address passed on the command line.
    ': not a valid identifierxport: `BACNET_BBMD_ADDRESS
    The BBMD IP address is eth0
    When the demo client applications see the BBMD address,
    they register as a Foreign Device to it.
    ./bin/ line 16: $'echo\r': command not found
    Launching new shell using the BBMD environment...
    : No such file or directoryn/bash

    I'm not sure if it is my lack of BACnet knowledge or lack of knowledge surrounding this Stack that is causing the issue...but if you could point me in the right direction, that would be great :)

    Many Thanks,


  • Steve Karg

    Steve Karg - 2014-09-16

    The script expects the IP address of the BBMD server, which in this case, is the Raspberry Pi IP address. For example:

    $ ./bin/

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-10-21

    i m running this bacrp 1234 1 1 85 results showing
    in my command promot
    but if i m ruuning through php localhost showing TMS Timeout. my command like that
    shell_exec("bin\bacrp $device $type $instance 85 2>&1");

    is there with virtual device port problem please help me

    i kept all tools

    c:/xampp/htdocs/bacnet/bin there all exe files(bacnet tools)



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