
Tree [85f4ac] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 code 2015-01-10 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [85f4ac] Added React to the project
 dbv 2014-11-25 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [c07e6a] Added module SchbasStatistics
 .gitignore 2014-08-28 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [d95468] Changed doctrine to use yaml
 .gitmodules 2014-03-15 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [e5c428] Some interface-changes in web and refactoring
 README 2014-01-14 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [d2574b] project now uses smarty-gettext (smarty3-i18n) ... 2014-08-28 Pascal Ernst Pascal Ernst [d95468] Changed doctrine to use yaml

Read Me


BaBeSK: "Bargeldloses Bestellsystem für Schulkantinen"
Fits: "Führerschein für IT-Systeme"
Kuwasys: "Kurswahlsystem"
Schbas: "Schulbuchausleihsystem"

#### WARNING: ####

This Program is still under development, which means that some things can
go unexpected or even wrong. It comes with absolute no warranty.
Please report bugs.
Have fun!


BaBeSK needs a Server running
 * PHP Version 5.3 or higher
 * MySQL-Server (3.3 or higher)
 * GD library



Copy the sourcode to your Server, then open
babesk/code/installation/index.php with your favourite webbrowser.
After that, follow the instructions displayed.