
Babeldoc: Universal Document Processor / News: Recent posts

More modules

The new version of babeldoc is almost ready. Two new modules for jabber/xmmp and syndication offers new capabilities for pipelines and scanners.
Apache VFS integration in the scanner module and improvements in SQLScanner and others.
Stay tunned!

Posted by Santi Begue 2008-01-14

Babeldoc 1.2.2 released

Some corrections and improvement.
Handling mail and other.

Posted by Santi Begue 2007-11-13

New Babeldoc admin

Babeldoc has got new project admin - Vincent Harcq. After several years of stagnation we believe this move will back Babeldoc to life.

Please continue sending your bug reports and patches, now there is someone who will review them!

Welcome Vincent.

Posted by Dejan Krsmanovic 2006-03-10

Babeldoc organization


Its been a great ride. It seems that 1.2 is way beyond anything any of us
expected. Its birth took some time and we need to consider the future. At
the moment the organization needs to be considered. I am the project
founder, leader, developer, tester and build co-ordinator. Obviously I
cannot fulfill all these roles and still be effective in all of them. To
remedy this, I want to resign as project leader. I will still develop, test
and build (if need be). I obviously cannot yield the title of founder and I
am proud of this accomplishment. I will support those people that you choose
to lead this project.... read more

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-11-16

Babeldoc 1.2 released

Babeldoc 1.2.0 has been released. This new codebase carries with it lots of big improvements as well as bug fixes. The modular system has been reworked so that dynamic runtime and build time behavior is simple, flexible and powerful. The Scanner module has been rewritten almost completely by Dejan Krsmanovic. He has made the scanner one of the most important and functional data acquisition engines available today. The J2EE module is back and better than ever. The ability to run portions of Babeldoc inside a J2EE container is compelling for certain applications. In addition the multithreaded pipeline engine is even more capable for online applications. Thanks go to Jonathan Leech for work done and David Kinnval for work and testing. David Glick and Michael Ansley also submitted great work. Thanks to all who contributed - you know who you are.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-11-16

Babeldoc 1.2 Release Candidate 1 is out!


Babeldoc 1.2 RC1 is now out. Babeldoc is looking more and more ready for a 1.2 release. Lots of little fixes and updates make this a great release. Please see the changelist for a more complete idea of what has changed.

Babeldoc is Growing! It is now being used in a number of very large financial institutions around the world. It is being used to produce reports, handle wire transfers and more. Become part of this exciting project where the focus is on ease-of-use and functionality for EAI and EIS applications.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-09-27

Babeldoc 1.1.9 released

After a month of work, Babeldoc 1.1.9 has been released. Babeldoc is integration tool that can plumb together data flows. It is completely configurable and scriptable. It is heavily XML biased but not exclusively so. This is going to be the last development release - the next set of releases are going to be Release candidates to version 1.2.

This now has the J2EE module added. Please test. I would be interested in how to more diverse container support in the build. Additionally lots of changes to the documentation. The Configuration Information Objects are now widespread. Lots of small fixes throughout.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-09-04

Babeldoc 1.1.7 Released

Babeldoc 1.1.7 development version has been released. We are moving quickly to a 1.2 stable release. The documentation is being overhauled as is lots of small but annoying bugs. Thanks go to Triphop, Dejank, Dave Glick, Ken Geis, Jonathan Leech and everyone else for working on this release.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-08-09

Babeldoc 1.0.2 minor release

Just a few bugfixes - all from Vincent Harcq!! Please read the changelist.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-07-03

No more messy classpaths

The 1.1 branch in CVS (we are going to be making a release soon!) has a new module that allows for babeldoc to be run without an enormous classpath. This should help those platforms which as environment space challenged.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-06-11

New GUI components appearing the 1.1 codebase

The Project Setup Wizard for babeldoc 1.1 has been committed. This simple little application goes a long way to kick starting a new project. Please investigate the wizard framework - it should make writing new wizards a snap. Also added is the start of the PipelineBuilder gui tool and the configuration file support to help get the two-way editing working.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-06-04

Babeldoc presented at InfoTech2003

Infotech is one of the biggest ICT conferences in Serbia and Montenegro. This year it took place from May 27th to May 30th in town of Vrnjacka Banja.
One of presentations has been dedicated to Babeldoc and its usage at National Bank of Serbia.

You can visit conference's site at

National Bank of Serbia will continue to contribute Babeldoc development and will try to present Babeldoc on other IT conferences in the future.

Posted by Dejan Krsmanovic 2003-06-02

New pipeline stage in 1.1

A new pipelinestage has just been added to the CVS repository: ExternalApplication! This allows the pipeline to call external applications and optionally pipe the document to the applications standard input. This allows for even more complex interactions. Check it out. Additionally the XslTransform pipelinestage has been updated so that the pipelinestage has been added as a parameter to the transformer. This allows the XSL document to access the details of the document, the journal and the rest of the babeldoc system.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-05-29

Bugfix release of Babeldoc - v1.0.1

The bugfix version of the 1.0 branch of babeldoc has been released. Please see the release notes to view the specific issues that have been addressed.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-05-27

Repository ready for development

The repository has been reorganized and has been tagged. Please develop in MAIN for future relesae, bug fixes for 1.0 go to the branch_1_0.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-05-18

CVS Repository has been reorganized

Thanks to the helpful people at SourceForge, the babeldoc CVS has been reorganized. There is no more babeldoc_v1, babeledoc_v1, etc, etc. There is just babeldoc. Please adjust your cvsroot strings according.

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-05-16

Babeldoc 1.0 has been release!

The Babeldoc development team has released Babeldoc version 1.0!

After 1 year of development and 36000 lines of Java code and
lots of releases, we have arrived at the first major version. Babeldoc 1.0 excels at document processing in large and small
applications. It is a flexible and dynamically reconfigurable
processor that can be used for EAI and B2B projects. Babeldoc
is targeted at XML processing but can process both text and binary documents. Additionally Babeldoc comes complete with a conversion utility that can convert any input file into XML. Babeldoc has an integrated journaling system that can reprocess failed transactions and track all aspects of its use. Babeldoc can integrate with Oracle, Sybase and MySQL and other RDBMS'. It already being used by the Serbian National Bank and by the Bank of New York for mission critical applications.... read more

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-05-15

Getting ready for Babeldoc 1.0

Babeldoc is starting to get the critical mass of users so that we can finally graduate it to a full 1.0 release. Babeldoc is now being used by governmental and corporate bodies to streamline their integration efforts. The primary focus for the developers is to stabilize the codebase and make sure that all the current code is well documented, bug free and running optimally.

Babeldoc is a Java software project that is intended to aid software integration projects. Its aim is to flexibly and durably connect disparate data souces together. Its primarily an XML tool but is not limited to this. It has a sophisticated journaling facility that allows for documents to be tracked and replayed if necessary. It also has connectivity to SQL databases, email systems, web services, and a number of other interfaces.... read more

Posted by bruce mcdonald 2003-04-11