
Aztec 3D Modeller / News: Recent posts

Aztec 2.0.0f-alpha Released

The next version of our almost crossplatform 3D modelling tool has been released. Its a pretty big change since the last major version a year ago, so check it out!

Release notes and change logs:

Posted by Phillip Martin 2003-08-29

Win 95/98/ME Crashing Problem Fixed

The Windows 98 crashing problem has been fixed, thanks to all the great bug reports from the windows 98 users. To try out the fix, please download the win32-unstable version from the files page at


Posted by Phillip Martin 2002-11-05

Aztec 1.1.3 released

Aztec 1.1.3 has been released!

Major changes include:
* Rendering
* Inverse Kinematics
* Better lightwave importing

Rendering -
We use PovRay ( to do the rendering. It just launches povray, and feeds it a povray scene file based on what is currently inside Aztec. It will be possible to add in renderes over time, so don't expect Povray to be the only one!

Inverse Kiniematics -
A simple CCD (Cyclic Coordinate Descent) IK solver has been added in. And it is quite fun to use. ... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2002-10-28

Version 1.1.2 of Aztec 3D released

A new version of Aztec has been released!

New Features:
- Revamped file format that will stop people form losing their data from last version
- Improved Scene Graph, so objects dependent on one another are updated correctly.
- Simple Lightwave object importing
- Bones and clusters now work properly.
- And a number of bug fixes
- Improved Scripting for meshes.

Goto to get it!

Posted by Phillip Martin 2002-08-10

Version 1.1.2 of Aztec 3D release

A new version of Aztec has been released!

Goto to get it!

New Features:
- Revamped file format that will stop people form losing their data from last version
- Improved Scene Graph, so objects dependent on one another are updated correctly.
- Simple Lightwave object importing
- Bones and clusters now work properly.
- And a number of bug fixes
- Improved Scripting for meshes.... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2002-08-10

Aztec 1.1.1 has been released

There is a brand new release of the Aztec 3D Modeller. It is full of many bug fixes and new features. Get the new windows version at

Main Highlights for this version:
* New GUI Plugin API for making plugins more user-friendly
* A new Graph View to edit animation curves and key frames
* Work has begun on LightWave(LWO) import/export
* Parameter code updated so it does not use MFC
* All of Aztec (except the Windows GUI of course) can compile on Linux
* Various other bug fixes and code fixes... read more

Posted by Jordan Wilberding 2002-07-01

Code Building Documentation Posted

There has been some documentation added to the Aztec project ( that explains how to build the Aztec code, and what libraries are required.

So if anyone is having trouble, that is the place to look! If there are any errors, or if you are still having troubles please either post a message or email an Aztec admin, and we'll help you out as soon as possible.

Posted by Phillip Martin 2002-05-09

New Mailing List!!!

After a request was made I finally decided it was time for us to have an actual mailing list.

To subscribe to the mailing list send an email to

with the line "subscribe" (without the quotes)in the Subject Field of the message.

Enjoy the new list!

-Jordan Wilberding

Posted by Jordan Wilberding 2001-08-02

New Release of Aztec 3D Modeller available!

Plain Text Version
New releases of the source and binary distribution of Aztec have been
made. The binary download is available at

For Aztec's Open Source site, visit
From Phillip Martin,

Aztec is a free 3D Modelling Tool. It is primarily directed at the Game
Creating/Modification community, to aid in their workflow of creating 3D
Models. In has a flexible keyframe animation system, and a simple user
inteface. All the viewports are rendered using OpenGL for high performace
quality rendering.... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-07-19

Source and Binary Release!

Version 1.0.7 of the source and binaries of Aztec have been released. It fixes many things, and improves memory usage by a huge margin! So give it a whirl. Here is the changes since the last binary release:


Fixed a resource leak in the WM_PAINT handling of the tool tip class.

Fixed a problem with the StdTranslators project using the wrong .DEF file.

Fixed a problem with the Primtives project. It wasn't buidling precompiled
headers in a release build, and it was using the debug version of ModelDLL
when building a release version. fixed the same problem with the
StdTranslators and AztecMain project.... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-06-28

New Source and Binary Release!

A new source release for Aztec, 1.0.5, and out very first binary release for win32 is now available for all who want it.

A number of bugs have been squishy squashed, and things are cruising along slowly, but peachily.

There is a small and very simple example file of the bones working in Aztec in the binary release, so be sure to check it out if you are interested.

Phillip Martin

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-06-19

MD2 Import is now Memory Friendly!

MD2 and MD3 importing now takes up about 20 times less memory!

After a semi-major change to the class heirarchy, Animation keys for animated meshes now take up much much less space, so for animations that totally consist of animated vertices, this was a major enhancement.

MD2's that used to take 40 meg of memory, now only take up 2!

As usual, limited testing has been done, so be careful if some things have been broken.... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-06-19

New source release!

1.0.4 is now released. Its a minor feature change, but major code change.

Reference Counted (smart) pointers are now use everywhere with the benefits of that coming in down the line to be sure. Some things would have been broken no doubt, but its a positive step.

The extrude tool has now been made userfriendly so it is now possible to extrude to your hearts delight :)

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-04-13

Texture Sharing Fixed

It orignally worked, and then I borke it, but now it is fixed again. Textures were only being displayed in the perpective viewport, and thats it. They should work in all view ports now, including the uv view! Now the uv editor is actually useful once more!


Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-31

New source release!

Version 1.0.3, thats right, there is so much stuff in there, we skipped an entire hundreth of a version!!!

Well not really, I just made a mistake :)

It contains a bunch of fixes, and the Shader Editor code is there, althoguh not being displayed in the 3D viewports. One step closer!

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-29

Windows 95 Fix

Well the bug stopping Aztec working on windows 95 was squished without mercy earlier today. So thats the positive outlook today, fine and squishy. :)

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-25

New source release

I did a 1.0.1 source release with those missing file included, and with the few minor tweaks done thus far

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-23

Attn: Missing files in source

There were some files missing in the initial install and release. The tool bar button images, and the scripts needed by Aztec were missing. I will be doing another release shortly with those files there. However, in the mean time, you can check them out from AztecMain/Prefs.

I apologise for the inconvinience this may have caused.


Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-23

First src package released

The first snapshot of the aztec source is now available for easy download, rather than having to check it out using cvs. yay!. Just download it from the Project summary page for aztec.

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-23

New Arrival

Aztec is a 3D Modelling/Animation package (I can hear the "Oh no, not another one!" groans from here.

Aztec has been dusted off from the archives of my long lost coding projects and given a breath of life. Aztec was to be my next sab into the 3D modelling/animation arena, but due to me working full time, it has sat idle for a whole year. I am hoping that putting it here will get it moving along again, as it was looking quite promising.... read more

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-03-22