
#9 Purging of Access Logs???



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; MSN 2.6; Windows 98)

    I keep getting thie following message when I access
    the Stats page:

    Warning: awstats couldn't purge
    logfile /............/access_log.

    Why am I getting this message?

    Is it important?

    Can anything be do to fix it?

    If the access_log file is actually purged by the
    awstats script if properly set up then it would be
    great. I would put it into a cron job and never need
    to worry about log files getting too large. At present
    one of my log files get to be in excess of 20 MEGS per
    week and this scripts properly set up with cron jobs
    may help me reclaim some space. I can most likely
    update all files every 30 minutes and have everything
    running at top speed.

    I have looked through your FAQ's and Support forums
    and found nothing relating to this issue.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: YES
    Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; Hotbar 2.0)

    You have this warning because the session run
    from your browser must not have permissions in wrinting on
    your log file.
    The purge of logfile can be done by awstats but your log
    file must be writable for this to work. Warning , when
    running from a browser, the user used to run the
    session is "nobody" by default on apache web server, so be
    ware that the user "nobody" has is able to "write" into
    your log file or change your apache setup to run
    from another user when launched from a browser.
    If you can't change your permissions on this warning,
    awstats will still be able to run properly but you have to
    purge your logfile yourself. You can remove the warning
    with a change of the awstats "Warning" parameter from 1 to


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