
Help with plugin development

  • Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso


    I am trying to make a plugin for a customer that should report the number of
    times his site is accesed from several other websites. I plan to do it
    relaying on the referer and write a plugin for that tasks. I used to be a Perl
    programmer about fifteen years ago, but I have forgot a lot of things.

    Anyway my main problem is the lack of a comprehensive documentation on AWSTATS
    plugin development. The only doc I have found on this issue is this:

    It lacks of use case examples or just plain examples... I think I need some
    more extensive to learn.

    Any ideas?


  • zardeven

    zardeven - 2012-09-04

    file is nice but me also want help for making this.....
    Web Development


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