
Reporting period improvement?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    IMHO the reporting period of the monthly history section should never include the stats of comming months. It would be better to report the selected month and the previous eleven. (then even stats of early months show a better trend)
    Especially in the static generated stats this is annoying.

    • Jari Turkia

      Jari Turkia - 2004-10-15

      This topic has been discussed here in different variations. I'm aware of that, but still:

      Exactly the same goes for a single month. If site opened 27th and I'd like to see the visit trend per day on 5th of next month, a lot of guesswork and calculation is required.

      The 'Days of month' information exists and should be rather easy to dig up. For this I'm fully prepared to drop any other sections (hosts, countries, search phrases, etc.) of the statistics.


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