Peter Möller - 2016-07-14

I'm running a web server on a OS X 10.10.5 machine with 5.0.15 (that includes a web proxy that, apparently, is impossible to turn off). On this machine, I analyze the logs using awstats 7.3.

Everything was working fineuntil I upgraded to Server 5 at which point Apple (silently) introduced the web proxy. After that, my normal access log files only had as client, which of course is correct. So I switched awstats to look at the “service_proxy_access.log” instead.

This doesn't seem to work. It took we a while to see this: apparently things stopped working on March 21 and I just recently discovered.

Anyhow: the script seems to be working, but it only updates “” and no statistics after that is entered. Running “./ -update -config=website -debug=5” tells me that is:
• is looking at the correct log file
• that all the lines are correct
• those lines are from today

It still seems stuck on 032016. From the debug output:
DEBUG 1 - End of processing log file (AWStats memory cache is TmpDNSLookup=0 TmpBrowser=0 TmpOS=0 TmpRefererServer=0 TmpRobot=0)
DEBUG 1 - Call to Read_History_With_TmpUpdate [2016,03,00,00,withupdate=1,withpurge=1,part=all,lastlinenb=17350,lastlineoffset=4020650,lastlinechecksum=11327869291781]
DEBUG 1 - date=201603
DEBUG 2 - List of sections marked for load : general time visitor ...
DEBUG 2 - List of sections marked for save : general misc time ...
DEBUG 2 - History file to read is '/var/lib/awstats/'
DEBUG 1 - Save_History [sectiontosave=header,year=2016,month=03,breakdate=201603,lastlinenb=38645,lastlineoffset=8962789,lastlinechecksum=9065807038154]
DEBUG 1 - Data file version is 7003
DEBUG 1 - Begin of GENERAL section
DEBUG 1 - End of GENERAL section
DEBUG 1 - Save_History [sectiontosave=general,year=2016,month=03,breakdate=201603,lastlinenb=17350,lastlineoffset=4020650,lastlinechecksum=11327869291781]
DEBUG 1 - Begin of MISC section
DEBUG 1 - End of MISC section (10 entries, 10 loaded)
DEBUG 1 - Save_History [sectiontosave=misc,year=2016,month=03,breakdate=201603,lastlinenb=38645,lastlineoffset=8962789,lastlinechecksum=9065807038154]
DEBUG 1 - Begin of TIME section
DEBUG 1 - End of TIME section (24 entries, 24 loaded)
DEBUG 1 - Save_History [sectiontosave=time,year=2016,month=03,breakdate=201603,lastlinenb=38645,lastlineoffset=8962789,lastlinechecksum=9065807038154]
DEBUG 1 - Begin of DOMAIN section
DEBUG 1 - End of DOMAIN section (1 entries, 1 loaded)
DEBUG 1 - Save_History [sectiontosave=domain,year=2016,month=03,breakdate=201603,lastlinenb=38645,lastlineoffset=8962789,lastlinechecksum=9065807038154]

Has this anything to do with the fact that the log file, “service_proxy_access.log”, only consists of lines from today? Does awstats assume that the log file is full of lines from the last time it considers things to be ok (March 2016)?

I also tried to start all over but then I get nothing: zero visits!

Anyone knows anything about this?

/Peter Möller
Dept. of Computer Science, Lund University