
Detailed monthly statistics?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there a built-in facility of awstats to keep monthly statistics? Basically I'd like to be able to click on a statistics link for a month of a year, and be able to see the values for that month.. I know I could have a cronjob generate static statistic pages at the end of the month, but it'd be somewhat nice to be able to do this all within the cgi.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My CGI AWstats script already displays stats for different months by using the drop down boxes at the top of the page. Or have I misunderstood your question?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I would like to be able to run nightly (rather than giving users access to CGI scripts) and have each of the months in the monthly history hyperlinked to display reports generated overnight.

      Would be okay for to only generate a report for current month, but would need an option to build all reports. Could combine this with an option to change years as well.


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