
Transferring logs from a remote server

  • John876

    John876 - 2013-05-30

    I'm sure that there's an easier way to do this, but the way I'm going about it is a bit of a dog's breakfast.

    I have got one server with awstats displayed correctly, and a cron running every thirty minutes to update.

    Now, there's another server from which I want to get Intershop-generated logs, and I'm having one hell of a time doing it.

    On the remote server, I have a script that finds the latest log, copies it into a user's $HOME and then chowns and chmods it.

    On the local server, I have a script that scps that file across, and puts it into the logfile that /etc/awstats/remoteserver.fqdn.conf

    Is there any easier way to do this?


    • Shalom Carmel

      Shalom Carmel - 2013-05-30

      There are some commercial tools that can be used, but the basis of all is
      The only other way I can think of is by not writing the logs to the local
      file system, but to syslog or a remote database, and have some collection
      process to extract the logs out and prepare them for awstats.

      On 30 May 2013 13:05, John876 wrote:

      I'm sure that there's an easier way to do this, but the way I'm going
      about it is a bit of a dog's breakfast.

      I have got one server with awstats displayed correctly, and a cron running
      every thirty minutes to update.

      Now, there's another server from which I want to get Intershop-generated
      logs, and I'm having one hell of a time doing it.

      On the remote server, I have a script that finds the latest log, copies it
      into a user's $HOME and then chowns and chmods it.

      On the local server, I have a script that scps that file across, and puts
      it into the logfile that /etc/awstats/remoteserver.fqdn.conf

      Is there any easier way to do this?


      Transferring logs from a remote server

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  • John876

    John876 - 2013-05-30

    Thank you. It's a real pain. I can't modify apache on the remote server, to send its logfiles anywhere else. When I say 'can't', I mean that the developers have told me that it'll break something.

    So I have to go down the usual route of kludging a solution together, and hoping it will pass muster.

    Sometimes, I hate this job.


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