
#838 GeoIP Cities page doesnt work from awstats 7.0

Jan Vitek

All records go into single row "Unknown" from Awstats 7.0 in GeoIP Cities page. Awstats 6.95 didnt have this problem - GeoIP Cities page had many rows with info about countries/regions/cities. I am attaching a simple patch that fixes problem for me.


  • Jan Vitek

    Jan Vitek - 2011-01-03

    I have found new problem with GeIP Cities under Awstats 7.0. Regions column was always empty. I am attaching new patch that solves both problems.

  • Jan Vitek

    Jan Vitek - 2011-01-03
  • Bryan

    Bryan - 2011-02-23


    This patch works great, and is just what I needed. Thanks for doing this!


  • Anton Voloshin

    Anton Voloshin - 2011-03-29

    I second the presence of this bug and usefulness of this patch: I did discover the same bug independently and had to make a similar fix to get it working.

    awstats committers: please accept the patch from jvitek, it's good as far as I can tell.

  • Peavy

    Peavy - 2011-09-01

    Thanks guys for the patch, really helpful !
    Hope it will be added to the next version of AwStats !

  • Christian MOMON

    Christian MOMON - 2013-12-07

    The file is unchanged on 7.2 version.
    The patch gives by Jan Vitek ( works very well.
    I suggest to verify if this bug is again there on 7.2 and then to apply the patch.


    Last edit: Christian MOMON 2013-12-07
  • Laurent Destailleur (Eldy)

    Patch will be added for next stable version


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