
#346 Tracking: screen size works, misc. not


I use AWStats (file: awstats-6.1-1.noarch.rpm) on a
Suse 9.1 box. I analyze a number of different web
server log files and have trouble with a log by IBM
HTTP Server 1.3.26 (which is a slightly repackaged
Apache version).

My problem: the "/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js" works and
produces the required log entries, but AWStats only
recognizes the screen size (correctly) when parsing the
logs. In the Miscellaneous sections, I only get dashes
instead of values.

Here are two log lines:

xx - - [18/Aug/2004:22:48:20 -0400] "GET
/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js HTTP/1.1" 200 4669 "h
ttp://xx/wps/portal/.scr/Exit" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET
CLR 1.1.4322)"
xx - - [18/Aug/2004:22:48:20 -0400] "GET
2883699306r4988 HTTP/1.1" 200 4669
"http://xx/wps/portal/.scr/Exit" "Mozilla/4.0 (compa
tible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"

This looks fine to me. In my config, I also set the
URL correctly:

And the reporting is also fine:

So how come the screen size is reported correctly but
not the miscellaneous stats?


  • Karsten Silz

    Karsten Silz - 2004-08-21

    Logged In: YES

    As it turns out, the miscellaneous stats seem to be counted
    somewhat. Here's how they're displayed:

    Add to favorites (estimated) 1 / 8 Visitors 12.5 %
    Browsers with Java support - 100 %
    Browsers with Macromedia Director Support - 20.8 %
    Browsers with Flash Support - 100 %
    Browsers with Real audio playing support - 94 %
    Browsers with Quicktime audio playing support - 85 %
    Browsers with Windows Media audio playing support - 100 %
    Browsers with PDF support - 100 %

    As you can see, only the "Add to favorites" actually has a
    visitors number. The other values only seem to display
    percentages, no absolute values.

  • Laurent Destailleur (Eldy)

    Logged In: YES

    This is the normal way of working.
    For browsers with, only a percent is given because reporting
    a value on hits does not mean a lot and calculating visitors
    is not possible yet.

  • Karsten Silz

    Karsten Silz - 2004-09-16

    Logged In: YES

    If that is the normal behavior and the "number column is"
    always empty then I suggest to remove this column from this
    table (which would also including removing the numeric value
    for "Adding to favorites".

  • Karsten Silz

    Karsten Silz - 2004-09-25

    Logged In: YES

    I submitted enhancement request 1034743
    for removing the "number of visitors" column.


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