
Any news since 0.7.5?

  • Vlad Gershkovich

       Andrew if you're still out there..........

    Any new development since the 'beta' version of 0.7.5?

    I'd be interested to get my hands on 1.0++ versionif possible...



    • Andrew Sumner

      Andrew Sumner - 2002-12-03

      Hey Vlad I am still here, although I don't monitor these forums as often as I should ;)

      As you can see if you look at the buglist, I've managed to get all the known problems with 0.7.5 documented.  The only issue now is finding time to work on them, which unfortunately I can't see happening for at least another 6 months unless someone volunteers to help.

      I'll certainly post a message here if that situation changes though.


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