
Option to hide windows

  • Michael Heath

    Michael Heath - 2008-03-31


    I appreciate the ease of using AVStoDVD and everything seems good thus far. I would like to see options to hide the encoder window and the command prompt windows to prevent distraction and/or accidental closure. Thank you for providing such a nice program :)


    • MrC

      MrC - 2008-03-31

      Hi Michael,

      thanks for the compliments and for using AVStoDVD.

      The issue you point out is well known and it is one of my "worries": unfortunately some external programs I launch from AVStoDVD (like HCenc or QuEnc) does not accept to be opened in minimized or hidden windows and they like to be "very" visible.

      Instead command prompt windows can be hidden, but I did not choose this option to be coherent with external programs windows.

      Do you think will it be useful to let the user choose the command prompt windows "status"? Maybe in Settings/Misc?



    • Michael Heath

      Michael Heath - 2008-04-01

      Thanks for the reply MrC

      I have tested with the source with changing the window state. Seems the Execute function of VB6 does not want to play nice as you mentioned. I tried QuEnc with the -silent parameter and it does minimize as noted. HC Encoder has a *silent option and hides the window. Not very consistent between the two encoders with window state unfortunately.

      I did leave a request on the HC Encoder homepage for a minimize CLI parameter which may help with future options. I think the minimize state is perhaps more suitable in case of an error. I agree with you for the option is for the user to choose.

      Settings/Misc looks almost full and may just get one more option in. Using QuEnc, the processes should be all consistent with minimize option so an option to make all minimize would be good. HC Encoder is more of a concern with the missing minimize setting but the parameter maybe added later with some hope. The final decision is for you to make, but I would suggest a minimize windows checkbox control that minimize all windows that support the option. I could suggest a separate setting for each application but that is making AVStoDVD too complicated for users perhaps.


    • MrC

      MrC - 2008-04-02

      Hi Michael,

      don't you know you are the first guy opening, modifing and commenting AVStoDVD VB code? I am really happy to hear that! Finally one "expert" user!

      About HCenc minimize option: I will leave your same request to Hank315 (HCenc developper) in Doom9 forum. Maybe 2 questions are "heavier" than only one.

      As soon as HCenc will have the requested feature, I will add a ComboBox in Settings/Misc (and maybe also in Progress Status window) to setup process windows' state.

      Since you are showing interest in AVStoDVD, I have built an Alpha release of AVStoDVD 2.0.0. My closest friends are already debugging it. Are you interested in taking a look at it and maybe doing some debug? If yes, give me a suitable email address to host the "noinstall" package (12 MB).

      Thanks for your support



    • MrC

      MrC - 2008-04-02

      Link to HCenc thread on

      Link to AVStoDVD thread on



    • Michael Heath

      Michael Heath - 2008-04-03

      Hi MrC,

      Perhaps I am just the first guy to *mention* looking at your VB code :). I am not much of an "expert" with VB. I did some self learn VB tutorial a few years ago. I use other languages for small tasks like VBScript, FreeBasic, Lua and most of the time I use AutoIt. I have kept myself busy enough at times to learn which can be a good work out for the mind.

      Here is one of my projects that I share around some forums.

      The request you made to Hank315 should help so thanks for the nice gesture. The ComboBox should be very suitable, thankyou. I sent my email address through the SF internal email system.

      And thanks for the links to the Doom9 topics. I read through them and I have noticed that you have been very active with AVStoDVD to help please others. Well done so far with your effort ;).



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