
autotestnet / News: Recent posts

Autotestnet Net edition version 2.0 released. Far easy to use then before!

Welcome to the new version of Autotestnet

1. Big changes starting from v2.0

. Change from Desktop edition to Net edition. Before this, user have to setup their own mysql server and mysqltcl connection tool, also maintain all these stuff. It could be hugy pain for many guys like me. Starting from v2.0, we launched an internet service site on, the new Net edition use HTTP to contact service site to handle data therefore user could focus on real test work:create/modify/run testcases. The only drawback of new design is your autotestnet workstation need internet access. In theory, you could also move the service site from internet to your intranet. (We could provide support if it is really needed)... read more

Posted by Hans Yin 2013-07-26

Add export&import function

New export&import function implement more powerful testcase management. User can export their testcase group from their own database to a file, then another user can import the file to their own database. This function is for Test package management. All test packages can then be managed with svn and all users can contribute their testcases to central repository for sharing.

Posted by Hans Yin 2007-05-02


---+++ Env_setup is an autotest system which can be used to do below things <br />
* Organize test cases <br>
* Setup device configuration for different test cases<br>
* Setup test element for different test cases and run it<br>
* Automate test cases setup and test element running<br>

*Env_setup gives an easy-used GUI to users for operation. In background, it's based on CLI. In theory, it can helps to do any CLI configuration and test. Currently, Env_setup does not provide GUI setting up and test function.* ... read more

Posted by Hans Yin 2007-01-26