
AutoREALM / News: Recent posts

AutoREALM alpha 3.0.1 is here

Two more months of development, a stronger configuration syste, menu system was entirely rewritten has has been used as base to implement support of toolbars.

It is also now possible to use cascading configuration files: the software will read
Toolbars works in the same way as menu: it reads an directory tree to grab informations about items to add and the plugin they will enable.

Error messages were also improved, to make it easier to understand what is going wrong.... read more

Posted by Bérenger Morel 2012-12-31 Labels: alpha 3.0.1 menu toolbars configuration

AutoREALM alpha 3.0.0 is here

After many months of works (and years of waiting), the first alpha version of AutoREALM is finally here.

As an alpha version of a total rewrite, it is not intended to be used for real "work", because it lacks most features. So, if you just want something which works out of the box, download the version 2.21 and wait for the next stable release... or contribute :)

There are no binaries at the moment, but if someone asks for, I can create debian 64 bit and windows 32 versions.

Posted by Bérenger Morel 2012-10-15

AutoREALM 2.1 Released

As the work being done on AutoREALM is now all targeted at the wxWidgets port, the Delphi code base will no longer be developed.

AutoREALM 2.1 will probably be the last release of AutoREALM using the Delphi code. It contains a number of small fixes that have been commited since the last release, but no significant changes.

  • Activated "scale of" printing option that should correctly scale the image according to the printers paper size
  • Added support for a line style with a fixed numeric thickness
  • Fixed bugs in overlays and grid position
  • Other internal fixes
Posted by Roger Light 2005-02-01

AutoREALM go for wx/Widgets

Here's the last news and state of evolution of coding for AutoREALM...
It only concerns of a coding port under a library tool which permits
easy cross-platform development and compilation on all sort of
Operating Systems. For more information,

The authors of this email are on the yahoogroup AutoREALM: if you want to contact them.
No futur spammed addresses will be mentioned here.... read more

Posted by Denis Conruyt 2005-01-10

AutoREALM 2.00 is available

AutoREALM is a Delphi-based mapping software (a "cartographer").
Everyone can contribute since the project is released under a GNU
licence. The contributions range from basic to elaborate maps, symbols,
AutoNAME files or just community emails like providing bug reports or
thanks. Designed at first for Role-Playing Gamers, this RAD program
(Rapid-Application Development) could be used by anyone else. ... read more

Posted by Denis Conruyt 2003-07-30

AutoREALM 1.21 is available

AutoREALM is a Delphi-based mapping software (a "cartographer").
Everyone can contribute since the project is released under a GNU
licence. The contributions range from basic to elaborate maps, symbols,
AutoNAME files or just community emails like providing bug reports or
thanks. Designed at first for Role-Playing Gamers, this RAD program
(Rapid-Application Development) could be used by anyone else.... read more

Posted by Denis Conruyt 2003-03-17