
#469 manual control of tick positions (tickv)


I get asked fairly often how the tick positions can be controlled. Das2 has a control for this, but this is not connected to the vap and is hidden under the "controller" node of the axis. Users should be able to set the tick positions like so:

"" default
"+15deg" make a tick every degrees
"0,15,30,45,60,75,90" explicit tick positions
"+15minute" make a tick every 15 minutes

It might also be nice to allow additional ticks to be added along with the default set, such as to highlite a time.


  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2015-12-22

    In the meantime, tick positions can be set with a script:


  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2019-05-17

    I've added the property 'tickValues' to the axis objects, and to the DasAxis objects which implement.


    Last edit: Jeremy Faden 2019-05-18
  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2019-05-17

    It might be nice to have a way of specifying modulo spaces, like "[-180,180]" or [0,24] which would mean divide as you want as long as there are ticks going through -180 and 180.


    Last edit: Jeremy Faden 2019-05-18
  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2019-06-17

    LabelAxis needs to support this as well.

  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2019-06-17

    I've moved up the useful reference property. However I notice it doesn't load properly from vaps.

  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2020-04-03

    Ali and others have asked about control of minor ticks. For example, he specified "+1hr" for hourly, but then it was giving 20min minor ticks when he would have prefered 15min. Perhaps this could be controlled with "+1hr/4" meaning 4 minor tick intervals.

  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2020-04-03

    This is done, so +1hr/4 can be used to specify the minor tick count as well.

  • Jeremy Faden

    Jeremy Faden - 2021-12-04
    • status: open --> closed-fixed