
Adding track names and image to DVD

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  • Gary Falanga

    Gary Falanga - 2009-02-13

    I recently downloaded "Lplex" and have made a couple audio DVDs from FLAC files. I like the drag and drop method. I tried adding an image but maybe I did it wrong. I found a JPEG and dropped the folder onto "mkisofs.bat' I have a PC, not a MAC, by the way. I would also like to add the track names. I looked at the instructions but do not know where to start. Help is greatly appreciated.
    Gary Falanga

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-15

      Hi Gary,

      There's a link to the current development version of lplex in this post:
      And a quick how-to on lplex project files here:
      which is still essentially correct, except that with the current version you create an empty text file with a '.lplex' extension (e.g. 'foo.lplex') in your input folder and then drag it onto lplex, and then you edit this file using notepad as described in the quick how-to.

      Before beginning the editing process you'll need to create your own jpegs with titles (to make them dvd-compatible load up one of the black jpegs in the lplex 'data' folder into your image editor, then paste your artwork and text into it and save). Place your jpegs in the input folder either alongside your flacs or in a separate subfolder.

      The quick how-to describes the editing cycle.  Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties or if something isn't clear.


      • dave parker

        dave parker - 2015-03-06

        Hi: new to Lplex. And not a real techie. I have an album of 5.1 24/96 flac tracks (originally a bluray rip I downloaded). I open up the lplex.exe (black box where it says "error: no files to process" and the prompt to get help "y"). I drag the folder containing the flacs, and it reads the info correctly, but nothing happens. I then press 'enter' and the box disappears. I've tried re-installing, and then trying with other movies I have, and the same thing happens.

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-18

      Hi Gary,

      Just noticed a problem and replaced the devel version above.  Please re-download to get the fixed version.


    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-19

      Help. I opened the new version like you said. My problem now is while doing the quick how-to. I drop the "foo.lplex' file onto lplex.exe and it asks me to cancel or run. I hit "run." I then cannot reopen it in Notepad. And I do not see what is supposed to be seen on the screen in step 2.  I get the black screen that you get before you drop the audio files into it. All I want to do is name the tracks. I have no problem running the program to create the audio DVD.

    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-19

      Maybe I'm just way in over my head.

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-19

      Hi Gary,

      >it asks me to cancel or run. I hit "run."

      Could you be more specific about this? I'm assuming you mean after you drop foo.lplex onto the lplex.exe icon (i.e. exactly the same as if you were dropping audio files) a messagebox opens up giving you the run/cancel options.  If so, this isn't part of lplex. Could you please relay the title and contents of the messagebox verbatim?  Are you running Vista or XP?

      If you could also retrieve the contents of Lplex.log and attach it here (open up notepad, then file>open>"%USERPROFILE%\Lplex.log", then copy and post the text).


    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-20

      I'm using Windows XP. I create foo.lplex in Notepad and drop it onto the Lplex.exe icon. The message box says "run' or 'cancel.' By doing that, I'm unable to open the project in Notepad once the file is dropped on lplex.exe

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-20

      Is 'run' and 'cancel' the only text in the messagebox, or does it have a title and other text? Is foo.lplex inside your source folder, and what's the path to your source folder (e.g. c:\mysourcefolder)?

      If you could also retrieve Lplex.log (see my previous post) that might help me recreate the problem at this end.


    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-20

      Those are the only options. And I don't know how to retrieve lplex.log. I followed your steps and nothing came up.

    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-20

      I get the "Open File - Security Warning" -"This publisher cannot be verified. Are you sure you want to run this file" and it gives me the option to run or cancel. It is the Lplex.exe program.  That's what happens when I drop the foo.lplex onto Lplex.exe. I then cannot reopen the file in Notepad. I took a screen shot of my computer but unable to place the picture here in discussion.

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-21

      This warning apparently means you're trying to run lplex over a network, i.e. foo.lplex is on one machine and lplex is on another.  Is this the case?

      I get the same warning if I duplicate this condition, lplex fails because it can't create any files (including Lplex.log, so maybe that's why it's missing) on a remote machine.


    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-21

      Yes, we do have a wireless network. My computer is  the wired one. However, both lplex.exe and foo.lplex are on my computer. Any suggestions?

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-21

      What does the 'From' line (right below 'Type: Application') in the messagebox say?  Are Lplex.exe and foo.lplex on different drives? If so, try putting lplex and foo.lplex on the same local drive and see if it runs differently. I can't reproduce this problem except across a network, but its origin is in the XP SP2 security settings for Internet Explorer according to my googling.  You can (at your own risk) try changing these settings as described here :
      or here:
      but as far as I can tell it shouldn't be necessary if everything is running from your local machine.

      Are the relative locations different now than when you authored your original dvds?  Have tried just dropping audio files instead of a project file?


    • Gary Falanga

      Gary Falanga - 2009-02-21

      Oh, I have no problem dropping the FLAC files onto Lplex.exe. I get an audio DVD. I'm trying to get the track titles to display and have a background on the TV screen, instead of a blank screen.

    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-02-23

      after I drop the foo.lplex file on either Lplex or Lplex_discrete

      I get the same security warning window come up with the same message along with the 'run' or cancel' buttons at the bottom

      it seems like the app is looking for a certificate from the publisher or md5 verification?

      after I click 'run' I'm then greeted with the terminal containing the
      ERR: no valid audio to process


    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-02-23

      oh yeah

      I disconnected an external drive that has an older copy of Lplex in case the app was looking for something on a 'network'
      I have wifi running and am connected to the interenet but not connected to anything on the LAN here

      I have foo.lplex in the same dir as the lpex apps on the C: drive

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-02-24

      Hi Kim,

      I can't recreate this except across a network, as mentioned already. Same questions as to Gary, maybe it'll help me reproduce your situation.

      >"I have foo.lplex in the same dir as the lpex apps"

      a) foo.lplex should be in the same folder or in a folder directly above your audio files. Give the full path(s) if possible.
      b) What does the 'From:' line of the warning box say when you drop foo.lplex?
      c) What is the full path to lplex.exe?
      d) What happens if you drop a folder of audio files instead of foo.lplex?


    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-03-02

      a) foo.lplex should be in the same folder or in a folder directly above your audio files. Give the full path(s) if possible.
      KIM: yes the foo.lplex sits at the same level as Lplex.exe and ONE level above the .wavs and .jpgs

      the foo.lplex doc contains
      '--editing=true .'

      b) What does the 'From:' line of the warning box say when you drop foo.lplex?
      KIM: ???  there is no warning box only a terminal window showing the following error message: 
      **ERR no valid audio to process. 
      with the acceptable file formats listed underneath

      c) What is the full path to lplex.exe?
      KIM:   C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\lplex.exe

      d) What happens if you drop a folder of audio files instead of foo.lplex?
      KIM: it starts to author an iso

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-03-03

      Hi Kim,

      Question (b) refers to your statement (up 4 posts from here) where you say:

      >I get the same security warning window come up with the
      >same message along with the 'run' or cancel' buttons at the

      the question is: what exactly does it say after 'From:' in this warning window.  I take it this window isn't appearing any more?

      I did a test but got no error with the folowing setup, mimicing what I understand to be your folder structure:

      Using XP SP2, in  'C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\apps\lplex-0.3' I have 'Lplex.exe', 'foo.lplex' (either as an empty text file, or alternatively containing the line '--editing=true .' without the apostrophes) and a subfolder 'my project' which has some flacs and jpegs inside it. I drop 'foo.lplex' onto 'Lplex.exe' and get the following screen output:
      Lplex version 0.3 beta testing (GNU GPL License)
      feedback: <>

      INFO: Creating ISO : [ NTSC md5aware infofiles seamless backward ]
      INFO: Layout is roughly 51 MB (DVD+R/RW is 1% full).

      Writing project file 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\apps\lplex-0.3\foo.lplex'

      press <enter> to close...

      Is this essentially the same as your setup, except that you're getting the 'no valid audio' error?


    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-03-05

      ah OK I see what you are asking

      I'm not getting the certificate warning dialog with the new version

      as for the path and OS version:
      yes it is a similar path and I am using the latest XP
      (I keep my sons XP laptop up to date)

      my sub folder with the wavs and jpgs is located:

      C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\myprojectfolder

      the foo.lplex text file is formatted as ANSI
      but I have also tried Unicode and UTF-8 and it made no difference

      i.e. I get the same error message

      can you upload a text file that you have created so I can test it?

      also is there source I can try to compile on Linux?
      but maybe that's a deeper rat hole? ;)


    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-03-07

      Hi Kim,

      1. Could you please copy the following and save it as "test_lplex.bat" in your lplex-0.3 folder:

      ------------------- test_lplex.bat  <begin> -----------------

      @echo off
      cd "%~dp0"
      echo --- version --------------- > test.txt
      lplex.exe --pause=false --version >> test.txt 2>&1
      echo. >> test.txt
      echo --- paths ----------------- >> test.txt
      echo path=%~dp0 >> test.txt
      echo project=%~1 >> test.txt
      echo. >> test.txt
      echo --- source files ---------- >> test.txt
      dir /b "%~1" >> test.txt 2>&1
      echo. >> test.txt
      echo --- test 1 ---------------- >> test.txt
      lplex.exe --pause=false --editing=true "%~1" >> test.txt 2>&1
      echo --- test 2 ---------------- >> test.txt
      cd "%~1"
      echo --editing=true > testfoo.lplex
      dir /b >> testfoo.lplex
      cd "%~dp0"
      lplex.exe --pause=false "%~1\testfoo.lplex" >> test.txt 2>&1
      echo --------------------------- >> test.txt

      ------------------- test_lplex.bat <end>  -------------------

      Rename your source audio and jpeg files to remove any spaces from the filenames, e.g. use track_01.flac instead of "track 01.flac", and make sure they're all together in a single folder (all this is only necessary because of the way test_lplex.bat is written).

      Now drop your source file folder onto test_lplex.bat and then copy the contents of "test.txt" here.  If test_lplex.bat appears to hang, type ctrl-c to stop it or just click the 'x' in the top right of the window.

      2. Do Start > Run > type "winver" into the box and hit <enter>, then copy the line in the popup beginning "Version..." in its entirety here (sorry, you'll have to copy it by hand).


      PS Linux version has dependencies, so if you don't mind we'll postpone a trip into "dependency hell" and stick with the ratholes for the time being.

    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-03-21

      been working on some new material in the studio
      will try your solution next week when I have access to the XP laptop

    • Kim Cascone

      Kim Cascone - 2009-03-25

      --- version --------------- 
      Lplex version 0.3 beta testing
      build: flac 1.2.1  dvdread 907  wxWidgets 2.8.8
      --- paths ----------------- 
      path=C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\&nbsp;
      project=C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\noiseforest 
      --- source files ---------- 
      --- test 1 ---------------- 
      Lplex version 0.3 beta testing (GNU GPL License)
      feedback: <>

      INFO: Creating LGZ : [ NTSC md5aware infofiles seamless backward ]
      INFO: Layout is roughly 3376 MB (DVD+R/RW is 75% full).

      Writing project file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\project.lplex'

      --- test 2 ---------------- 
      Lplex version 0.3 beta testing (GNU GPL License)
      feedback: <>

      Writing project file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\noiseforest\testfoo.lplex'


      winver:: Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.080814-1236:Service Pack 3)

    • skeptical

      skeptical - 2009-03-25

      Thanks, Kim. Would you please post the contents of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Kim Cascone\My Documents\apps\lplexNEW\lplex-0.3\noiseforest\testfoo.lplex' also?


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