
Limit of 32 tracks/chapters ?

web van
  • web van

    web van - 2010-12-08

    Just burned a DVD+R DL compilation of 24/96bit tracks using 0.2 and the last chapter is number 32 for about 60 tracks. It keeps on playing at the end of 32 but you can't skip ahead. Is that a known limitation, or am I doing something wrong ?

    I no longer have the orignal .wav tracks but I do have the .iso if there is a quick fix.

    Thanks !

  • skeptical

    skeptical - 2010-12-08

    The development version  can extract your files from an iso.  Just drop the iso onto lplex and you'll get the audio files back (in wav format by by default; set "formatout=flac" in lplex.ini first if you'd prefer flac output).

    The limitation you're seeing has to do with the older toolset's inability to jump to addresses over 2gb, which is fixed in the newer development version.  I've never authored a DL disc myself, so I don't know whether there's any further issue having to do with the layer break which may be contributing to this. Try reauthoring with the newer version and let me know.


  • web van

    web van - 2010-12-08

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    The .iso couldn't be decoded by lplex 0.2and the 0.3 version said there was an error in the pgcm (?), no biggie,I was able to extract the audio of the first 31 tracks and will reauthor with the missing ones and will try multi-titles. Is there a setting to have lplex create multi-titles when several folders are dropped on lplex ?

    I had a question on using .flac, didn't work in 0.2 but I see it works with 0.3 now.

    Thanks for a great tool, I tried a few others and none works as well, Audio DVD Creator has a nice GUI but I get "pops" here and there, dev stoppe in 2005 it seems, too bad.

  • skeptical

    skeptical - 2010-12-09

    There's one other extraction strategy you could try: open the iso in 7zip and extract the VIDEO_TS folder, then drop the extracted folder on lplex (try both versions).

    There's no automatic way to do multi-title, you can use the 'ts' flag on the command line like so:

    lplex c:\somewhere\folder1 ts c:\somewhere\folder2 ts c:\somewhere\folder3

    or using lplex 0.3 you could put just the command options:

    c:\somewhere\folder1 ts c:\somewhere\folder2 ts c:\somewhere\folder3

    in a text file with a .lplex extension (e.g 'myproject.lplex') and drop it onto lplex.

  • web van

    web van - 2010-12-09

    Thanks, I'll give it a try. Do menus get created automatically? An advantage I see with the "one title" DVD, is that there is no need turn on the TV to play the DVD, maybe that would be needed with multiple titles ?

    Anyway I was able to create that "one title" DVD-DL with version 0.3, thanks !

  • skeptical

    skeptical - 2010-12-09

    No automatic menus. Pressing your remote's 'menu' or 'disc' button will jump playback to the beginning of the next title, then use 'next', 'prev' or the number pad to jump around within the title (see the readme, item 6 under LIMITATIONS and also item 7 if you want to create menus with dvdstyler).

  • web van

    web van - 2010-12-09

    Ok, probably best to stick with one title then, looks like the limit is 99 chapters in a title so that should never be a problem !

  • skeptical

    skeptical - 2010-12-09

    I'd be interested to know if you hear any noticeable audio artifacts at the DL layer break.

  • web van

    web van - 2010-12-09

    Will try to spot the change!
    I ended up burning with Nero as I wanted to reuse the full XTRA folder of the first failed DVD.


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