
How to turn music titles into filenames

  • ale.muniz

    ale.muniz - 2008-04-30

    aTunes Rocks!

    Does anybody know how can I turn the music titles into filename? In example: If I Import a music CD, sometimes there is no library. So the musics come whith the filenamen Track01, Track02, etc. However, with Windows Media Player (I don't know how to do it with the aTunes...) I can find the CD and change the music titles, genre, year, etc., but cannot change the filename. When I use the Track List of my aTunes (v. 1.8.3), it comes the filename (Track01, Track02, etc) instead the right title!
    Somebody can help me?
    Thank You!

    • TBeckers

      TBeckers - 2008-04-30

      If you want ro rename a file you have to do it outside aTunes. You should use the cd import functionality of aTunes. You can specifiy the track titles and some other data before the audio files get created.

    • Macolin

      Macolin - 2008-04-30

      Renaming should be done with a dedicated tagging software. An application like Jaikoz for example:

      If you import from aTunes you can change the title names by double clicking on the appropriate fields in the ripper dialog table. The files will then be named accordingly.

  • Sepix

    Sepix - 2013-07-02

    i`m sorry but i have to disagree. while i can see myself using a different software for ripping audio, like the great EAC for example, i believe naming files should be possible within an audio application, same as editing tags.

    naming files is something i do besides playing music. i don`t want to open up another software, look up the correct directory, stop playing the track for the second application to access it, rename the file and strt playing again.

    if this can be requested i respectfully would - however im just some guy so im very thankfull already for atunes as it is ;)


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