
Astrotortilla and Cygwin not solving

  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-02


    I've installed latest 64bit ver on win 10 over the past few days and though I've downloaded most of the index files when I attempt using eqmod simulator and try to load example image, logfile shows in a few seconds a failure to solve. No extracting sources or loading of index files and running the log in debug mode I get the following output message.

    2017-07-02 23:20:49,289 - astrotortilla.AstrometryNetSolver - DEBUG - Executing: solve-field -b /etc/astrometry/backend.cfg --sigma 1 --no-plots -N none -L 0 -H 0 -u degwidth -D \"cygpath -a \"c:/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solverrjvbcg/1\"\" \"cygpath -a \"C:/Users/Colm/Desktop/Polaris.fits\"\"
    2017-07-02 23:20:50,053 - astrotortilla.AstrometryNetSolver - DEBUG - Pid 4280 exit code 127

    I cant make sense of the above or why this is happening. It would appear Cygwin is not working properly but I've no idea why.

    Any help on above appreciated.



  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-06


    I believe the local solver can be configured some way to be used with Astrotortilla. Are there steps available to do this?

  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-06

    OK I see a possible solve above. I've setup plate solver with info above. Currently downloading index files copied to new location for this plate solver. I don't see anything so far on how to configure settings in AT for the new plate solver... but I'll keep looking around....

  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-07

    OK I've narrowed down the problem to the

    "2017-07-07 09:55:40,897 - astrotortilla - INFO - backend.c:289:backend_parse_config_file_stream: Didn't understand this config file line: "C:/Users/Colm/AppData/Local/cygwin_ansvr/usr/share/astrometry/mydata
    Above error given to problem with line pointing to location of index files. I've put the index files in mydata at above location but obviously in linux backend.cfg requires another way to point to that file. i'm no linux expert. I'm stuck at this point until I solve that ...after which I need to know how to set other configuration options that work in AT but are aimed at config options for astrometry net plate solver. Are there any developers or other sources to get help on this.

  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-07

    Appears to me there's a bug related to "Didn't understand this config file line.."

    If I point to the original folder for index files in solver, I get that didn't understand message curiously giving the file as " instead of "" in other words the interpreter is missing an solution found yet

    • Antti Kuntsi

      Antti Kuntsi - 2017-07-07

      The solver lives in the Cygwin world and doesn't understand Windows paths. Since your data is under the cygwin_ansvr -directory, you should be OK with "/usr/share/astrometry/mydata/" as the index location path.


  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-07

    Thanks Antii. I've some good news. I tried a new path to solve the problem. I uninstalled Astrotortilla from windows then downloaded AstroTortilla- and did a fresh install. I pointed to one of the examples files and the first attempt at a solve looked good but complained of no index files ( i hadn't loaded any into data directory). Loading them in and repeating attempt its finally solving against the index files I've loaded. I still need to tweak settings and optimise performance and perhaps later I'll make a further attempt at pointing cygwin shell to solver and get it to work as well. Anyhows i'm happy with this bit of progress.

  • otisme

    otisme - 2017-07-07

    Yep, it solved the polaris.fits I gave it . Just need to start tweaking settings, number of index files to use etc as this was a slow solve:

    2017-07-07 13:26:09,849 - astrotortilla - INFO - Connecting to camera...
    2017-07-07 13:26:09,865 - astrotortilla - INFO - Exposing: 4.00 seconds
    2017-07-07 13:26:32,384 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading image from camera
    2017-07-07 13:26:32,384 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...
    2017-07-07 13:26:32,493 - astrotortilla - INFO - 1 [main] bash 3480 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to

    2017-07-07 13:26:32,602 - astrotortilla - INFO - the public mailing list

    2017-07-07 13:26:32,930 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading input file 1 of 1: "/usr/share/astrometry/examples/apod1.jpg"...

    2017-07-07 13:26:33,367 - astrotortilla - INFO - jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE

    2017-07-07 13:26:33,914 - astrotortilla - INFO - Read file stdin: 800 x 526 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 255

    2017-07-07 13:26:34,023 - astrotortilla - INFO - Using 8-bit output

    2017-07-07 13:26:34,128 - astrotortilla - INFO - Extracting sources...

    2017-07-07 13:26:34,236 - astrotortilla - INFO - simplexy: found 941 sources.

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,191 - astrotortilla - INFO - ioutils.c:605:run_command_get_outputs Command failed: return value 255

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,191 - astrotortilla - INFO - /usr/lib/astrometry/bin/backend --config /etc/astrometry/backend.cfg /cygdrive/c/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solvert_5iga/1/apod1.axy

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,191 - astrotortilla - INFO - solve-field.c:518:run_backend backend failed. Command that failed was:

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,207 - astrotortilla - INFO - You must list at least one index in the config file (/etc/astrometry/backend.cfg)

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,207 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...

    2017-07-07 13:26:36,207 - astrotortilla - INFO - No solution in 3.8s
    2017-07-07 13:31:23,153 - astrotortilla - INFO - Connecting to camera...
    2017-07-07 13:31:23,153 - astrotortilla - INFO - Exposing: 4.00 seconds
    2017-07-07 13:31:26,197 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading image from camera
    2017-07-07 13:31:26,197 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...
    2017-07-07 13:31:26,305 - astrotortilla - INFO - 0 [main] bash 7040 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to

    2017-07-07 13:31:26,415 - astrotortilla - INFO - the public mailing list

    2017-07-07 13:31:27,063 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading input file 1 of 1: "/usr/share/astrometry/examples/apod1.jpg"...

    2017-07-07 13:31:28,351 - astrotortilla - INFO - jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE

    2017-07-07 13:31:28,898 - astrotortilla - INFO - Read file stdin: 800 x 526 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 255

    2017-07-07 13:31:29,007 - astrotortilla - INFO - Using 8-bit output

    2017-07-07 13:31:29,223 - astrotortilla - INFO - Extracting sources...

    2017-07-07 13:31:29,332 - astrotortilla - INFO - simplexy: found 941 sources.

    2017-07-07 13:31:32,625 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,167 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading file "/cygdrive/c/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solvert_5iga/2/apod1.axy"...

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,285 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,394 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,500 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,609 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,719 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,828 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:31:33,938 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,048 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,163 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,273 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,381 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 21-30).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,490 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 21-30).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,601 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 21-30).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,710 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 21-30).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,819 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 21-30).

    2017-07-07 13:31:34,928 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 31-40).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,038 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 31-40).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,144 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 31-40).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,253 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 31-40).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,362 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 31-40).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,471 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 41-50).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,582 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 41-50).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,690 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 41-50).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,801 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 41-50).

    2017-07-07 13:31:35,926 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 41-50).

    2017-07-07 13:31:36,035 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 51-60).

    2017-07-07 13:31:36,138 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 51-60).

    2017-07-07 13:31:36,249 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 51-60).

    2017-07-07 13:31:37,230 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 51-60).

    2017-07-07 13:31:38,010 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 51-60).

    2017-07-07 13:31:39,529 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 61-70).

    2017-07-07 13:31:39,855 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 61-70).

    2017-07-07 13:31:41,062 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 61-70).

    2017-07-07 13:31:42,625 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 61-70).

    2017-07-07 13:31:44,256 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 61-70).

    2017-07-07 13:31:45,335 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 71-80).

    2017-07-07 13:31:45,553 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 71-80).

    2017-07-07 13:31:46,095 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 71-80).

    2017-07-07 13:31:47,638 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 71-80).

    2017-07-07 13:31:49,914 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 71-80).

    2017-07-07 13:31:52,086 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 81-90).

    2017-07-07 13:31:52,851 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 81-90).

    2017-07-07 13:31:54,944 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 81-90).

    2017-07-07 13:31:59,160 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 81-90).

    2017-07-07 13:32:03,022 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 81-90).

    2017-07-07 13:32:05,088 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 91-100).

    2017-07-07 13:32:08,180 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 91-100).

    2017-07-07 13:32:09,615 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 91-100).

    2017-07-07 13:32:12,573 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 91-100).

    2017-07-07 13:32:14,438 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 91-100).

    2017-07-07 13:32:16,619 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 101-110).

    2017-07-07 13:32:19,786 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 101-110).

    2017-07-07 13:32:22,619 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 101-110).

    2017-07-07 13:32:24,940 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 101-110).

    2017-07-07 13:32:27,255 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 101-110).

    2017-07-07 13:32:28,782 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 111-120).

    2017-07-07 13:32:31,918 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 111-120).

    2017-07-07 13:32:34,338 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 111-120).

    2017-07-07 13:32:36,631 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 111-120).

    2017-07-07 13:32:38,257 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 111-120).

    2017-07-07 13:32:41,523 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 121-130).

    2017-07-07 13:32:46,447 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 121-130).

    2017-07-07 13:32:52,158 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 121-130).

    2017-07-07 13:32:56,332 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 121-130).

    2017-07-07 13:32:59,813 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 121-130).

    2017-07-07 13:33:05,197 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 131-140).

    2017-07-07 13:33:12,875 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 131-140).

    2017-07-07 13:33:12,881 - astrotortilla - INFO - No solution in 106.7s
    2017-07-07 13:42:20,766 - astrotortilla - INFO - Connecting to camera...
    2017-07-07 13:42:20,766 - astrotortilla - INFO - Exposing: 4.00 seconds
    2017-07-07 13:42:36,740 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading image from camera
    2017-07-07 13:42:36,740 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...
    2017-07-07 13:42:36,865 - astrotortilla - INFO - 0 [main] bash 6400 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to

    2017-07-07 13:42:36,974 - astrotortilla - INFO - the public mailing list

    2017-07-07 13:42:38,503 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading input file 1 of 1: "/cygdrive/c/Users/Colm/Desktop/Polaris.fits"...

    2017-07-07 13:42:58,234 - astrotortilla - INFO - Computing image percentiles...

    2017-07-07 13:42:58,782 - astrotortilla - INFO - Extracting sources...

    2017-07-07 13:42:58,891 - astrotortilla - INFO - This looks like a multi-color image: processing the first image plane only. (NAXIS=3)

    2017-07-07 13:42:59,000 - astrotortilla - INFO - simplexy: found 53 sources.

    2017-07-07 13:43:23,602 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solving...

    2017-07-07 13:45:01,631 - astrotortilla - INFO - Reading file "/cygdrive/c/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solvert_5iga/3/Polaris.axy"...

    2017-07-07 13:45:01,733 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-14.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:01,838 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-13.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:01,947 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-12.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,059 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-11.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,163 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-10.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,263 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-09.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,371 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-08.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,480 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-07.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,591 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-06.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,707 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-05.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,815 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-04.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:02,936 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-03.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,046 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-02.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,151 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-01.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,252 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-00.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,358 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-47.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,467 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-46.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,578 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-45.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,687 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-44.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,789 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-43.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:03,891 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-42.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,000 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-41.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,111 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-40.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,221 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-39.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,338 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-38.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,457 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-37.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,568 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-36.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,677 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-35.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,786 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-34.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:04,901 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-33.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,022 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-32.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,127 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-31.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,240 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-30.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,349 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-29.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,451 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-28.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,571 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-27.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,680 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-26.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,780 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-25.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,891 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-24.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:05,993 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-23.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,094 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-22.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,207 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-21.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,309 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-20.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,411 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-19.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,517 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-18.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,638 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-17.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,746 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-16.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,871 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-15.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:06,982 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-14.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,092 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-13.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,203 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-12.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,313 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-11.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,418 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-10.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,529 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-09.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,642 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-08.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,759 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-07.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,869 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-06.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:07,980 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-05.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,085 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-04.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,203 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-03.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,306 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-02.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,407 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-01.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,517 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4202-00.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,618 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-47.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,737 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-46.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,848 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-45.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:08,957 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-44.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,058 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-43.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,167 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-42.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,270 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-41.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,381 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-40.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,506 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-39.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,615 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-38.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,726 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-37.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,832 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-36.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:09,941 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-35.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,052 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-34.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,153 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-33.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,259 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-32.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,368 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-31.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,477 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-30.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,586 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-29.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,696 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-28.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,808 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-27.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:10,933 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-26.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,042 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-25.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,147 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-24.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,257 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-23.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,374 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-22.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,473 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-21.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,582 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-20.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,693 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-19.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,799 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-18.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:11,917 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-17.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,028 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-16.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,131 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-15.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,242 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-14.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,342 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-13.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,453 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-12.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,562 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-11.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,674 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-10.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,789 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-09.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:12,892 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-08.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,002 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-07.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,101 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-06.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,211 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-05.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,315 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-04.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,428 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-03.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,539 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-02.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,664 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-01.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,773 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4201-00.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,882 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4114.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:13,990 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4113.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:14,092 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4112.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:20,747 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4111.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:29,253 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4110.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:45:43,704 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4109.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:46:15,213 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4108.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:46:27,927 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4107.fits, field objects 1-10).

    2017-07-07 13:46:28,467 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-14.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:28,671 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-13.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:29,431 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-12.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:29,757 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-11.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:29,867 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-10.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:30,190 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-09.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:30,621 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-08.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:30,936 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-07.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:31,160 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-06.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:31,484 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-05.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:31,700 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4203-04.fits, field objects 11-20).

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,016 - astrotortilla - INFO - log-odds ratio 140.885 (1.53274e+61), 45 match, 1 conflict, 3 distractors, 207 index.

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,127 - astrotortilla - INFO - RA,Dec = (42.1157,89.294), pixel scale 2.09427 arcsec/pix.

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,236 - astrotortilla - INFO - Hit/miss: +++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++-++++++-+c++(best)++++

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,349 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1: solved with index index-4203-03.fits.

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,451 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 solved: writing to file /cygdrive/c/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solvert_5iga/3/Polaris.solved to indicate this.

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,566 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field: /cygdrive/c/Users/Colm/Desktop/Polaris.fits

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,684 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field center: (RA,Dec) = (42.1, 89.29) deg.

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,792 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (02:48:24.856, +89:17:39.218).

    2017-07-07 13:46:32,894 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field size: 31.3513 x 22.2861 arcminutes

    2017-07-07 13:46:33,019 - astrotortilla - INFO - Creating new FITS file "/cygdrive/c/users/colm/appdata/local/temp/solvert_5iga/3/"...

    2017-07-07 13:46:33,131 - astrotortilla - INFO - Creating index object overlay plot...

    2017-07-07 13:46:33,546 - astrotortilla - INFO - Creating annotation plot...

    2017-07-07 13:46:34,635 - astrotortilla - INFO - Parsing results...
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,131 - astrotortilla - INFO - 1
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,137 - astrotortilla - INFO -
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,145 - astrotortilla - INFO - m
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,151 - astrotortilla - INFO - a
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,157 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,164 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,170 - astrotortilla - INFO -

    2017-07-07 13:46:35,171 - astrotortilla - INFO - b
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,171 - astrotortilla - INFO - a
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,187 - astrotortilla - INFO - s
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,187 - astrotortilla - INFO - h
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,203 - astrotortilla - INFO - 1
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,203 - astrotortilla - INFO - 6
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,203 - astrotortilla - INFO - 8
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,219 - astrotortilla - INFO - f
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,219 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,219 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,233 - astrotortilla - INFO - d
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,233 - astrotortilla - INFO -
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,250 - astrotortilla - INFO - f
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,250 - astrotortilla - INFO - a
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,250 - astrotortilla - INFO - s
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,266 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,266 - astrotortilla - INFO -

    2017-07-07 13:46:35,266 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,280 - astrotortilla - INFO - w
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,280 - astrotortilla - INFO - d
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,280 - astrotortilla - INFO - :
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,296 - astrotortilla - INFO - W
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,296 - astrotortilla - INFO - A
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,296 - astrotortilla - INFO - R
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,312 - astrotortilla - INFO - N
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,312 - astrotortilla - INFO - I
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,328 - astrotortilla - INFO - N
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,328 - astrotortilla - INFO - G
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,328 - astrotortilla - INFO - :
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,344 - astrotortilla - INFO - C
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,344 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,344 - astrotortilla - INFO - u
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,358 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,358 - astrotortilla - INFO - d
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,375 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,375 - astrotortilla - INFO - '
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,375 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,391 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,391 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,391 - astrotortilla - INFO - m
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,405 - astrotortilla - INFO - p
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,405 - astrotortilla - INFO - u
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,405 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,421 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,421 - astrotortilla - INFO - F
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,437 - astrotortilla - INFO - A
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,437 - astrotortilla - INFO - S
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,437 - astrotortilla - INFO - T
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,453 - astrotortilla - INFO - _
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,453 - astrotortilla - INFO - C
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,453 - astrotortilla - INFO - W
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,469 - astrotortilla - INFO - D
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,469 - astrotortilla - INFO - p
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,484 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,484 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,484 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,500 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,500 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,500 - astrotortilla - INFO - r
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,516 - astrotortilla - INFO - .
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,516 - astrotortilla - INFO - P
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,530 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,530 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,530 - astrotortilla - INFO - a
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,551 - astrotortilla - INFO - s
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,561 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,565 - astrotortilla - INFO - r
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,572 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,578 - astrotortilla - INFO - p
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,578 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,578 - astrotortilla - INFO - r
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,594 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,594 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,594 - astrotortilla - INFO - h
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,608 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,618 - astrotortilla - INFO - s
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,624 - astrotortilla - INFO - p
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,635 - astrotortilla - INFO - r
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,644 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,650 - astrotortilla - INFO - b
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,655 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,661 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,667 - astrotortilla - INFO - m
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,673 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,673 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,673 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,688 - astrotortilla - INFO - h
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,688 - astrotortilla - INFO - e
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,688 - astrotortilla - INFO - p
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,703 - astrotortilla - INFO - u
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,703 - astrotortilla - INFO - b
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,720 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,720 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,720 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,736 - astrotortilla - INFO - m
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,736 - astrotortilla - INFO - a
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,753 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,759 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,765 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,770 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,772 - astrotortilla - INFO - g
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,772 - astrotortilla - INFO - l
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,788 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,788 - astrotortilla - INFO - s
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,803 - astrotortilla - INFO - t
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,803 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,803 - astrotortilla - INFO - y
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,819 - astrotortilla - INFO - g
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,819 - astrotortilla - INFO - w
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,819 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,835 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,835 - astrotortilla - INFO - @
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,849 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,849 - astrotortilla - INFO - y
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,865 - astrotortilla - INFO - g
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,865 - astrotortilla - INFO - w
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,865 - astrotortilla - INFO - i
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,881 - astrotortilla - INFO - n
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,881 - astrotortilla - INFO - .
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,897 - astrotortilla - INFO - c
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,897 - astrotortilla - INFO - o
    2017-07-07 13:46:35,913 - astrotortilla - INFO - m
    2017-07-07 13:46:36,186 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solved in 239.4s


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