Ramon M.R. - 2011-08-12

Hi, I have a problem with a redirect action. This is the scenario: I managed to redirect an incoming call of a extension  to another extension with asterisk manager to another extension, but when I try to incoming call is a phone outside the unit is not working.

A Example: extension 1032 call extension 154, and I capture newChannel for save a primary channel for redirect to the extension 1052, and it work perfectly. Now I call with my movil to telephone number of switchboard, And mark 154 extension, then ring 154 extension And Without ANSWER the call I try to redirect the incoming call to extension 1052, And not work, I observed that originate 2 newChannelEvents of this call, and I try boths channels for redirect but not works.

AnyBody Can Help Me?

P.D. Excuse my English