
Custom Material Parsing

  • Karim Abdel Hamid

    Hey everyone,

    I've been developing my own game engine using assimp for a while, and I've come across a problem. Most generic material​ file formats are awful, so I want to design my own, especially because it needs to be very customizable. So, is there a way to prevent assimp from loading materials, and yet still get the names of said materials so I can link them to my own? Currently removing the material file prevents me from even getting the material index, let alone its name. If this isn't possible, I think it would be a great feature for the devs to add, just spitting out the material names/IDs with an option to prevent loading the material. Thanks in advance!

  • Vinnie

    Vinnie - 2017-04-08

    Hi Karim

    I'm not an assimp developer, but I've written game engines for a while now and would like to offer my perspective.

    I think it will be a waste of time to add it as a feature because you really should not be using assimp directly in your game engine, but rather in the stand alone engine tools. You have to remember the point /one job of not only assimp, but of your game engine. Assimp is an excellent library for loading a wide range of file formats, but your engine will required data in a very specific format to work. Use assimp to condition your models, materials, into your own format, and load that into your engine with your custom loader.



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