
Error loading FBX 7.4 binary file using ASSIMP

  • OnePoundFortyNine

    Hi I've exported an FBX binary file from Blender 2.74, which contains animation, mesh and material data.
    This file can then be successfully imported using the Blender FBX importer.

    When I run my rendering engine with Assimp 3.1.1
    I receive the following assertion failure:
    workspace/assimp-3.1.1/code/FBXDocument.h:791: const unsigned int* Assimp::FBX::MeshGeometry::ToOutputVertexIndex(unsigned int, unsigned int&) const: Assertion `count != 0' failed.

    This is either an issue with the Blender FBX exporter or with the ASSIMP importer.

    I'm happy to debug but it'll be a lot easier if I understand what this error message is telling me.
    Can anyone enlighten me?
    If possible, I'd rather avoid unpicking the FBX ASSIMP importer, only to find that it's the way I've done something in Blender when skinning my mesh, painting weights or configuring my animations in the action editor.

    For info, I have this Blender FBX - ASSIMP tool chain working with other models.

    If it helps, I can upload the exported FBX test file.

    Any guidance, much appreciated.

  • Leo Saramago

    Leo Saramago - 2017-04-29

    Hello, I'm not sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think ASSIMP can only read up to FBX version 7.3.

    • OnePoundFortyNine

      Thanks for replying.
      The Blender exporter indicates "2013 binary" andI I've had no problems to date.

      Perhaps the chap who wrote the code as part of a Google "Summer of code"could comment?
      It appears to relate to "weight clusters".
      As it is an assert, I assume it's a scenario that has been considered?​


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