
Skeleton Animation bones flying everywhere

Marcus Lee
  • Marcus Lee

    Marcus Lee - 2016-11-05


    I've been following this tutorial for the skeleton animation and I have changed accordingly to fit and work with my game engine. But I can't seem to get the bone to rotate properly as seen in the images. They just go everywhere else but the right place. When I take the rotation matrix (from the aiNodeAnim converted from the quat to my matrix4) out of the concatenation, it shows the T pose moving up and down. Is there something wrong with just my rotation matrix or is it something else?

  • Kim Kulling

    Kim Kulling - 2016-11-07

    Do you have a small examle to reproduce this issue?


    • Marcus Lee

      Marcus Lee - 2016-11-16

      Sorry for the late reply. Was pretty caught up with school work and exams. =/

      Not sure what kind of example. But here's part of my code for the animation on FBX files.


      -AnimatedModel is a component for my game objects
      -AnimatedModel have a AnimatedModelLoader to do all the loading of the fbx.
      -AnimatedModel Update() and Render() functions are called every frame


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