
Error: Object variable or With block variabl

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-02-23

    Whenever accessing any table i get:

    Error:  Object variable or With block variable not set.
    Source:  Microsoft.VisualBasic

    the same happens if i access the views or the stored proceedures sections.

    • Wes Grant

      Wes Grant - 2003-02-25

      Which version are you using?

      Do you have the .Net Framework installed?

      Is there any more detailed information about the problem?

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2003-02-25

        Actaully after deleting some wierd erronous statements it seemed to work fine. and i was using the nexest 0.5.1 with .net installed. as for the problem im not sure what it was becuase it works now.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-06-18

      I have this same problem.  I am a total novice when it comes to and really don't know where to start when I get error messages.  Please help!

    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-13

      I am getting the same error message... and it almost looks like a formatted pop up (so its not like an exception page were you get stack info).

      Has anyone else found a way to resolve this issue?

    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-14

      A little more info.... I can view Users/Roles just fine, but this error message seems to only happen when I try to view the Tables, Views, or Sprocs.

      After I hit OK (or if I try to hit the "X" in the upper right) of this "window" (which is actually just an html table), this window doesnt go away (I have to click on the Database again to see Tables, Views, etc).


    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-14

      ver = 0.5.1

    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-14

      Also, the first time I click on my DB, nothing seems to happpen (the logo disappears on the right, but I am left with just a blank page).  If I click on it again, I get the "Tables, Views, etc".

    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-14

      heh, i just hit "enter" in the address bar of my browser, and still see the list of "Tables, Views", etc on the right... but now I do have the list of tables on the left.

      how weird.

    • Travis Johnson

      Travis Johnson - 2003-11-14

      I finally got it fixed.  It was due to the fact that I had moved a tab to the very top (other than "Home").

      I used ASP Enterprise Manager ( to get into my db (our IT dept wont allow us to use EM through our firewall to our remote host) to update the tab i had moved to the top down one spot, and move the home tab back to the top.

      After i made the change in the db, it worked like a charm.

      Hope this helps someone.


    • Lucas Young

      Lucas Young - 2006-01-24

      I'm havin gthe same problem - Win2K3 server. SQL Server 2000 Sp-4. Two clicks on a database name shows the tables icon etc, but I get the "Object variable" error when trying to view the tables. I installed by just copying the folder to wwwroot and in enterprise manager making it an application. bigteejay what did you mean by "move the home tab back to the top" - what home tab? Does anyone have an explanation or solution to this error?


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