
Admin Secure / News: Recent posts

AS1.7: Minor Bugs per 29/05/2004

These are minor bugs found at Admin Secure 1.7, per May 29 2004.
Affects only in functionality but not security.

PHP 4.3+ will display warning message when accessing WHOIS lookup with PHP safe mode turned on

Open asfunc.php file, and find this following code:

You'll have to find two similar codes like this.

Replace both of them with:
@fsockopen($server,43,$errno,$errstr,10)... read more

Posted by madman 2004-05-29

AS 1.7 Released

Admin Secure 1.7 comes with tons of new features: Safe Requests Mode will force any request strings containing dangerous strings signatures (union, join, exec, select, insert, grant, etc) translated as HTML entities; Safe HTML Strings will translating "<" and ">" characters into &lt&#59; and &gt&#59; entities, respectively. This will always prevent users submitting any of HTML formatted text. Both of them are extreme features intended for paranoid administrators. :)... read more

Posted by madman 2004-05-28