
gnICE and Windows7

  • Thomas Kurmann

    Thomas Kurmann - 2010-01-30

    I was wondering if asagao would work on windows 7 with a gnICE jtag key. I have installed the drivers from analog devices and windows detects my key, but asagao does not allow me to select any key. Which ftdi drivers have you been using?

    Thanks a lot

  • Thomas Kurmann

    Thomas Kurmann - 2010-01-31

    First of all thanks for the links. Asagao still cant seem to find the key, even though windows mounts it properly and i can see it in the device manager as either a vcp or standalone. Do you have any pre configured drivers which I could quickly test?

    Thanks again =)

  • Takemasa Nakamura


    The only issue I worry is gnICE. Honestly speaking, I have not used gnICE at all. But in past, one user reported he could use gnICE with Asagao. So, I thought there are no problem at all…

    You insert your gnICE and then, invoking Asagao. Right?


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