
#80 Asynchronous/decoupled validation of messages


Feature request/performance enhancement:
Browsing to testen/berichten (tab validate) it starts validating when I click on separate messages. The results of validation are not stored.
Validating could also have taken place before viewing messages.
When clicking through various testaccounts on this page, sometimes the messages are not always updated, the cause could be inline validation which costs performance.

Suggested feature:
- Validate incoming messages after they are stored to the database (possibly a trigger on the messages collection?). Messages can already be uploaded or sent to server through the SOAP-interface.
- Store the validation results and display these when viewing testen/berichten.
- Optional: create a 'revalidate' button to trigger re-validation. Use case is that messages might have been changed in the messages collection (with oxygen/..), after the first validation.


  • Alexander Henket

    • labels: xis --> xis, ART
    • assigned_to: Maarten Ligtvoet
  • Alexander Henket

    Validation results are currently saved and retrieved if present. Button to clear those stored results is implemented.
    Trigger is still not implemented so no decoupling between user action and validation.

    Is that necessary to close this issue?

  • Alexander Henket

    • summary: offline validation of messages --> Asynchronous/decoupled validation of messages
    • mgraauw

      mgraauw - 2014-07-07

      This request does not seem correct to me (maybe it's outdated).

      Validation is done immediately after uploading, and validation results are stored. Validation is never done twice, unless a user clicks 'Clear validation and test results', in which case removal is intentional. The 'Clear...' button is there in cases where the HL7 materials are changed (quite often suppliers pick the wrong one, or materials are changed due to a bug there), thus enbaling re-validation without removing and re-uploading all messages.


      Last edit: Alexander Henket 2015-07-21
  • Alexander Henket

    • Milestone: 2012 --> 2015
  • Alexander Henket


  • Alexander Henket

    • status: open --> closed

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