
#314 Vocabulary Binding


Instead of using the V3 binding names CNE and CWE, allow to specifiy all FHIR related binding types: required, extensible, preferred and example.
Adopt the schematron engine as well to

  • submit an error on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength required,

  • submit a warning on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength extensible, preferred

  • submit an info on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength example


  • Kai U. Heitmann

    Kai U. Heitmann - 2017-12-10
    • status: open --> closed
  • Kai U. Heitmann

    Kai U. Heitmann - 2017-12-10
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
     Instead of using the V3 binding names CNE and CWE, allow to specifiy all FHIR related binding types: required, extensible, preferred and example.
     Adopt the schematron engine as well to 
     * submit an error on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength required,
     * submit a warning on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength extensible, preferred
     * submit an info on instances containing codes not in the bound value set on binding strength example

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