
ArchView / News: Recent posts

ArchView 0.7.1 released!

This release fixed a critical bug (can't open archive on http and ftp server) on Linux platform.
Add German and Dutch language support.

Posted by Solar 2008-08-08

ArchView 0.7.0 released!

The most important feature of this release is that ArchView can handle ISO CD image files. The toolbar appearance was improved. And some bugs were fixed.

Posted by Solar 2008-07-03

ArchView 0.6.2 released!

New: Translate to Spanish.
New: Translate to Russian.
New: Support FF 3.0.x
New: Can exclude files by extension name.
Fix: Extra garbage data while view file content.
Fix: Setting dialog has no button on Mac OS X.

Posted by Solar 2008-06-16

ArchView 0.6.1 released!

New Features:

* Support Firefox 3.0.
* Export the catalog to local file.
* User manual
* Portuguese translation (thank Alberto E. Kuniyoshi)

Posted by Solar 2008-03-15

ArchView 0.6.0 released!

This release is a milestone. From version 0.6.0, directly open files in archive is supported. It will not download the whole archive file, just an individual. This feature is considered fairly useful. Any user is encouraged to upgrade to 0.6.0.

enjoy it!

Posted by Solar 2007-06-18

ArchView 0.5.90 released

This release is a pre-release of 0.6.0. It almost doesn't contain user visiable features. But it includes many changes on the infrastructure which is the base of the 0.6.0. I decide to release it because it needs to many changes to support open file directly. Some are for the infrastructure and some for functionality. It's not a good manner to step so far I think:-)

The most important change is rewrite the fragment channel.

Posted by Solar 2007-06-18

ArchView 0.5.5 released.

This is a maintenance release. Two major bugs were fixed. Summary:

1. register mimetype for rar file
2. can't list all files in rar archive.

For details, please reference the project bugs tracker page.

Posted by Solar 2007-06-16

ArchView 0.5.4 released.

All changes are about code cleanup. This should be the last release of 0.5.x. The next will be 0.6.x. In this release, I will focus on zip decoding feature. That mean you can directly open a file inside the zip archive.

Posted by Solar 2007-06-03