
#3 Appset runs at startup in the background


In version 0.5 appset-qt you're made "* Let the main GUI to be preloaded to the tray (faster startup)" - which I really dislike. The process appset-qt on startup takes a 70-90 MB of RAM and unnecessarily consumes CPU. When operating on batteries, which counts as the lowest energy consumption does not seem to me to appset was so important that the program was still running in the background. Is there any way to remove it but not to activate at boot time and that did not work continuously in the background. I preferred the old solution to the familiar version 0.4. - appset-tray verify the update and the program does not work in the background.


  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-05-27

    First of all thanks to report here (rare event) and sorry for the inconvenient.
    This behaviour is a consequence to a precedent feature request to make AppSet work integrated with the tray, like other KDE apps. You can hide/show the main GUI clicking on the tray. It remains open until you right click on the tray and select "Quit".
    However, I'll add an option to autostart without preloading the apps in the main GUI with next release.
    In the meantime, you can manually disable main GUI from autostart:
    1 - edit /etc/xdg/autostart/appset-qt.desktop and replace with appsettray-qt
    2 - If you have DE session save active (default with KDE), insert appset-qt in the exclude list

    Hope this can help till the next release (don't know when, I'm too busy atm) and let me know if
    the option to disable apps preloading is a reasonable solution for you...


  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-05-27
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-05-27

    Ok. When can I expect the next version? Try your advice as soon as I return from work. Regards.

  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-05-27

    Problem solved with autostart. He remained a problem with the shutdown of the program. If you click on the "X"program is not excluded, and only disappears and still works in the background

  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-05-28

    clicking X will not close the main GUI even with the new version. This is a normal behaviour for modern apps. For example, let's say you are installing a BIG package which requires a LOT of time to download/install. You can click the tray or "close" with X so it disappears when alway performing the operation. When you click againg the tray it appears again with updated status. However you can still close the app (integrated with the tray) by right clicking the tray and choosing Quit. And when to expect the next version? I'm already working on 0.6 with major improvements (and your request, of course). I can't release an intermediate 0.5.2 with only your requested option because this will introduce a new string to translate so this will led to a new translation session (I've ~15 translators at the moment...). However the only thing I can say is: I hope not too much time to the next release but... only time will tell...

  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-06-15

    I've released AppSet 0.6.0pre. In this version there is an option to disable packages preload.
    the main gui is always loaded at startup (there is only one .desktop file for both tray and main GUI, so two processes but only one application) but without packages. So no parsing means very low CPU usage on startup and no packages means very less MEM usage than before. I think is acceptable also for notebooks.

    Let me know your opinion on this solution, Thanks!

  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-06-15
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-works-for-me
  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-06-17
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-06-17

    Ok. It can be:)

  • Simone Tobia

    Simone Tobia - 2011-06-17
    • status: open-works-for-me --> closed-accepted
  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-07-07

    Sorry for the long absence. It is still not as it used to be. The "AppSet-qt" further runs in the background instead of "Apssettray." Additionally, "AppSet-qt" every now and then run "Pacman" even though I check the package set to every 60 minutes.

  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-07-07
    • status: closed-accepted --> open-accepted
  • shevchenko1987

    shevchenko1987 - 2011-07-08

    In addition, the program is maximized when it can not be minimized.


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