
New property as400.timeout

From this Release the time, waiting for a response is adjustable. New property as400.timeout a value could be specified, how many seconds JVAGATE should wait for a response (without this property set, it will behave as older releases and wait unlimited). If no response is coming before the timeout occurs, JVAGATE will throw a timeout exception. JDBCGATE, the native part of ArdGate sends a SQL error to the originating requestor.
To install, the native part has to be replaced (RSTLIB). If you changed the install directory of the java part, be sure to adjust DTAARA AS4RPGPATH. The Java part is unchanged and the renewed native part should work with older releases of ArdGate.
The native part could be installed for CommandGate as well, RUNJAVARUN will percolate the timeout error to the requestor unchanged.
New build 20th january 2014: bugfix synchronisation problem.

Posted by Dieter Bender 2014-01-11

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