
#78 Snow Leopard compatibility?


According to this:

Applejack is not Snow Leopard compatible....


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  • Bruce Garlock

    Bruce Garlock - 2009-08-28

    I would like to see AppleJack work in Snow Leopard as well. Any chance of making that happen?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Me as well :-)...thanks for your work so far!

  • Nobody/Anonymous


  • Steve Anthony

    Steve Anthony - 2009-09-02

    I should have a copy of Snow Leopard to start testing with on Thursday Sept. 3rd. From my experiences with the later pre-release seeds, Applejack 1.5 as is will not run - mainly due to the lack of a case in the code for handling a system which reports itself as 10.6. The good news however, is that unlike 10.5, not a whole lot seems to have changed in Snow Leopard, and as such it should be much more straight forward to update.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    awesome thanks for the info on the update, i support a whole office of mac's and applejack has def saved my ass on numerous occasions, wonderful program, you are a rockstar.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Looking forward to AppleJack for SnowLeopard! Fantastic work, keep on!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thank you SO MUCH for AJ . . and, your hard work. I look forward to a SL compatible version. I and many others, appreciate your efforts. Thank you!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I wish we see soon a Snow Leopard compatible version of Applejack. Dont know how many times Applejack saved me from a disaster in Os X previous versions. Thanks a lot .

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm delaying updating to Snow Leopard until Applejack is compatible. Any idea when that will be?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Oh, great!!!

  • Larry Parker

    Larry Parker - 2009-11-27

    In desperate need of a Snow Leopard compatible version of AppleJack. Thank you in advance for your hard work to make such a version available!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Any ETA on a Snow Leopard version of AppleJack? Your last update seems to have been in early September ... Curious and Hopeful! :^)

  • Matt Carrell

    Matt Carrell - 2009-12-03

    Glad I checked on here in the forum before trying to install applejack on my SL MacBook. The Project page itself unfortunately has no obvious statements on compatibility. That needs to be fixed.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-12-10

    As others have mentioned, it's unfortunate that potential users don't see the supported OS; it's not apparent that this doesn't support 10.6, but it's also not clear what earlier OS's are supported. (:-(

    If sourceforge isn't set up for Mac developers to easily specify the range of tested and support releases (including minor, but especially major), perhaps someone could work on that. Lacking that, I'd encourage Mac developers to explicitly post supported OS (e.g. "10.4.8-10.4.11/10.5.8/10.6.x" or 10.5.5-10.5.11). Thanks in advance.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2016-10-22
  • Dean

    Dean - 2009-12-10

    Steve hasn't commented since late October... Hope all is okay. We need to stand-by until he comments... Steve???

  • Steve Anthony

    Steve Anthony - 2009-12-10

    Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates. Not a week after my last update, the second round of exams started and in general I've been pretty busy since I last posted (I probably took too many classes this semester). Continuing with the same methodology I'd been pursuing has basically led me to a brick wall; I'd been hoping that some more information about the changes to Disk Arbitration launch requirements would emerge either from Apple, or from third party sources in the interim as 10.6 matures - we'll see if that's the case.

    I have a week of final exams to get through and then I'll start looking for new information. I'll also try narrowing (instead of adding) launch daemons to see if I can pinpoint some sequence or list of components which are absolutely essential to get Disk Arbitration running. This is the only real major hurdle delaying an Applejack update.

    As far as an ETA for a testing release, I personally would love to have something solid before starting the spring semester on January 18, though of course that depends on at least some measure of luck, barring of course any further insight from an outside source.

    Here's hoping for speedy progress!


  • Steve Anthony

    Steve Anthony - 2010-01-12

    Ok, I was finally able to get diskarbitrationd running in single user mode. Now I need to take my list of ~30 daemons I loaded and see if I can par it down a bit, then I can modify the applejack code which will (cross your fingers) yield an SL compatible applejack pre-beta!

  • flammable

    flammable - 2010-01-13

    Awesome! Very excited, thank you, Steve! AppleJack is one of my favorite utilities, it'll be really nice to have it back again.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thank you very much! We owe you :-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I look at this everyday in the hope of some news - thanks.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Great news!!! I miss AppleJack.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I use Applejack 1.5.1 on a machine with 10.6.2, and it mostly seems to work OK. I think there's one task it doesn't know how to do. Am I in danger of inadvertantly screwing something up?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Quite a while with no update. Having donated, it would be nice to receive some kind of regular update on progress.

  • Kristofer Widholm

    We're getting there. Thanks to Steve, the boot sequence is working. However, with the removal of /etc/rc in Snow Leopard there are a few aspects of it that I'm reluctant to release without being able to reference aspects of SL's usual boot routine. I have been hoping to find that documentation before asking people to test, as I don't want to hose anybody's machine, but may end up having to simply ask people to test on machines they don't mind having to reinstall the OS on afterwards.

    Also, I will need to test the installer as I am trying to span Tiger--through Snow Leopard with it.

    Am also removing some of the extra advanced functions.

    So we are getting there. I'm sorry I haven't been able to put much time into it over the past year.

  • Kernos

    Kernos - 2010-05-14

    I would be glad to test. I have Core Duo MBP running 10.6.3 I only use for emergencies.

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