
#52 AJ hangs after repairing disk


Hello :)

let me tell you first, this happens with 1.4.2 and versions before. So far I
could reproduce this error on another system (AluPB 12" 1,5 GHz, 10.4.3).
My current setup is: TiPB 15" 867 MHz, 1GB RAM, 10.4.5.

When AJ is told to repair disks, although it never seems to repair any
attached disks other than the internal startup disk, and errors are to be
found that AJ attempts to repair, AJ seems to hang after prompting
… nothing happens after that and there is
no way (known to me) to get back either to the AJ menue or the CLI. the
only way to get out of this is to shut down pressing the power button and
reboot. When i boot back into single user mode, run AJ again to check the
disk, it says that no errors were found. Cool, but couldn't life be a bit
easier here?

Thanks for your help!


  • patrick

    patrick - 2006-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'd like to point out that other than this malfunction, AJ runs as expected: quite
    good indeed! Good stuff.

  • Josahonnanon

    Josahonnanon - 2006-03-22

    Logged In: YES

    Same thing happens to me if and when AJ finds any /serious(?)/ errors with the
    boot disk. Hard reboot.
    The problem surfaced with 1.4.2...
    My tested setups: Quicksilver 2*1GHz, 1.5 GBRAM, iMac G5 2.1 GHz, 1.5
    GBRAM, 10.4.5, Quad, 8GB RAM, 10.4.5


  • hairybiker

    hairybiker - 2006-03-25

    Logged In: YES


    I get this too, any time that AJ find a disk error to repair, then does an auto
    rerun of fsck, it hangs at the same point as yours. I get this on my dual G5 1.8,
    OS 10.4.5 and AJ 1.4.2 - I'm not sure if this first happened with an AJ or an OSX
    update though, but it is a recent development.

    Apart from that, a brilliant utility, I run this before and after every update, and
    I've never had a single issue with any OS update. Thanks.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Identical issue here. MacBook Pro 2.2/4gb ram/OS 10.5.4

  • Kristofer Widholm

    thanks for your added comments. will probably not get to this for the next release, but will try to fix soon.

    If you are stuck in applejack, you can break out using the CTRL+C (control and c) character sequence. Then type "reboot" to restart your machine.

  • Kristofer Widholm

    Hello. Is this still an issue for you, with the new version of AppleJack? (1.6) If it is, please let us know, otherwise this ticket will close in 14 days.

  • patrick

    patrick - 2010-07-19

    Kris, thx for getting back to this dusty issue. Just dl'ed 1.6 and I am quite glad to see AJ ported to SL. Not sure though if the original problem persists due to lack of problems reported on my internal disk. I'll keep an eye on this, if I ever see AJ find&fix an fsck error, I'll let you know.

  • Kristofer Widholm

    Let's keep this open. It's a tough one to test as I don't know anyone who would want to create some serious hard disk damage in order to troubleshoot this. But it's worthwhile keeping this open for documentation.


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