
#100 No Login prompt


When switching between one user and another, the login prompt frequently fails to appear and the machine is hung. Have to restart via ssh connection. I rolled mymachine back to a previous disk image.

Running on dual CPU PPC, 4GB, 10.5.4, Applejack 1.5.


  • Kristofer Widholm

    If you don't mind, please attach your AppleJack log to this thread (there's a file select button at the bottom of the page). You can find it at /var/log/AppleJack.log

    I'd like to see if AppleJack did anything unusual.

    We are running into a lot of issues with Leopard. It seems the OS is extremely flaky when it comes to rebuilding its caches. They seem to be rebuilt with either corrupt or incomplete data, leading to Finder oddness, loss of network connectivity, or, in your case, the inability to switch users.

    Did you run applejack auto, applejack AUTO, or did you use it manually?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I didn't run applejack at all. Just installed it. Since I reloaded my boot partition from an image, all the log files evaporated at that time. If I get the courage, I'll re-image, re-install Applejack, monitor it for errant behaviour, and capture its logs. But, I have a bunch of other pressing needs for the machine, so this won't be immediately attended to. You might want to close the bug report and I'll raise it again when I have more information to document the problem.

  • Kristofer Widholm

    Installing AppleJack does the following things:
    1) copies the script to /var/root/Library/Scripts/
    2) installs documentation in /Library/Documentation
    3) modifies /var/root/.profile (the single user mode root user zsh profile setup)

    The last item should never be a factor unless you run your computer in single user mode. If you just installed but did not run AppleJack, it's hard to see how it would have done anything to your system. Not disputing that it has; it's just extremely unlikely.

    How recent was the backup you recovered with? If it was very recent, are you still having the login prompt issue?

    If you ever decide to install AppleJack again, could you please do the following?
    1. Run Disk Utility and repair permissions.
    2. Run the AppleJack installer
    3. Run Disk Utility and repair permissions: did any permissions need to be fixed after the install?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    OK, I'll re-install and re-check. One thing though. I frequently su to root using Terminal, and did notice the new motd information that was generated by Applejack. But I thought my configuration used bash, not zah. I can't remember whether bash uses .profile as well. I didn't look at how you modified .profile, but is there anything else in there that potentially might get in the way as a consequence of logging in as root from the command line, while in multi-user mode?

  • Kristofer Widholm

    The only way I know to switch to root from a multi-user environment is with either sudo su root or sudo -s. In neither case do I get the .profile motd from AppleJack (though I do have it installed.
    $ sudo -s
    root# echo $SHELL
    root# exit

    $ sudo su root
    root# echo $SHELL

    In Tiger, if you boot up in single user mode and do an echo $SHELL, you should get a zsh

    The contents of .profile are:
    root# cat /var/root/.profile
    alias applejack='/var/root/Library/Scripts/' #AppleJack Installer
    echo "" #AppleJack Installer
    echo "For troubleshooting assistance, just type 'applejack' at the prompt" #AppleJack Installer
    imac:/Users/widholmk/Sites/webtools/trunk root#

    Shouldn't really interfere with anything else

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I use "su -" from an admin account enabled as an sudoer.
    From what you pasted of the modified contents of .profile, it's completely harmless anyway.
    Clearly, I need to repeat the install, retest and get back to you.
    Thanks for your responsiveness so far.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am running an iBook G4 OS 10.4.11. I get the prompt screen but can't type anything. Now my computer is slower than honey on a hot day.

  • Kristofer Widholm

    I am unable to determine that these issues are caused by AppleJack. I can see no causal connection. Also, since a new version has been released, I'm going to let this be resolved.


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